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Gallery 788

Bob Backlund vs. Ken Patera

Hey man, thanks for supporting my website with that nice donation.  You mentioned Bob Backlund as one of your favorite wrestlers, so I made this gallery of him for you.  

Check out young Backlund looking muscular in his championship belt as his arms are raised in victory.

Cute and innocent looking with no real gimmick, Backlund was an unlikely WWF Champion.  But the fans sure loved this eager young athlete, maybe because he looked like the boy-next-door with that timid smile of mop of unruly hair.

A little history on your hero Bob Backlund:

Born on August 14th, 1950, he hit the ring in 1973.  He defeated "Superstar" Billy Graham to win the WWF title on February 20, 1978.  He lost once to Antonio Inoki in Japan, but Inoki shocked the world by not accepting the belt.  Whatever.

Backlund held the belt until the Iron Sheik locked him in that famous Camel Clutch on December 26, 1983 and Backlund's manager threw in the towel to save his life.

Oh yeah, and he always looked great in his tight wrestling trunks.

So what if I was to show Bob Backlund taking a beating from Olympic strong man, Ken Patera?  Is that something you might be interested in?  

Here is a rare beef-cake photo of Ken Patera, looking ripped and brutal in white posing trunks.  Patera called himself the "Strongest Man in the World" and he won a medal for power-lifting at the 1972 Olympics.   Imagine being trapped in this big hunk's Bearhug, which he used all the time!

As one of the top heels in wrestling history, Patera's gimmick was his raw power and awesome strength, and he always posed with his huge muscles flexed.  He was voted "Most Hated Wrestler" several times in the 70's and 80's, which makes you wonder, why would they have a "Most Hated" competition???

Patera hits the ring like an arrogant super-villain. He throws open his cape to reveal his Olympic singlet, which reminds the fans to respect his award-winning power.
Backlund's got a nice body too, but can he match the strength of huge Ken Patera??  He looks a bit worried about facing the "Strongest Man in the World"  as he removes his belt and prepares to wrestle.
Meanwhile, Ken Patera's creepy manager, the Grand Wizard, kneels before him and peels off his pants.  The fans hoot and holler as Backlund patiently waits for the Wizard to finish stripping Patera.

Next, the Grand Wizard hugs his big, strong wrestler and holds him for several seconds.  This prompts the announcer to ask: "Is that consultation, or is that an embrace??"

Patera shows off his power, trying to intimidate young Backlund with that impressive Double Bicep pose. The fans are on the edge of their seats as one of the top heels prepares to lock horns with one of the most popular baby-faces ever.

The match begins, and your boy Bob Backlund slaps on a nice Head-lock. He's looking good so far.  Do you think your hero can out-wrestle the Strongest Man in the World??

Now Backlund applies an Arm-Bar to the stud in the singlet.  I think he's trying to drain some of the strength out of Patera's huge arm.
But Patera reverses the hold, showing young Backlund how to punish an arm.  The fans cheer as their cute hero slaps the mat and kicks his legs in agony.

This big blond freak is hurting your boy!  He's about to break poor Backlund's arm!  Why, oh why, did the cute kid get in the ring with this brute?

Cameras are snapping as Backlund struggles to his knees, trying to power out of this painful Armlock.  I wonder if Backlund realizes this pose shows off his impressive muscles, really making him look buff.

Most of Patera's matches involve tests of strength and muscle against muscle competitions.  The fans loved to see their favorite wrestlers in power struggles with the "Strongest Man in the World."

Wow, you have great taste, dude!  Check out that body on your boy, Bob Backlund, as he actually matches strength with the Olympic Strong-Man and rises to his feet.

Like many Pro Wrestling holds, the purpose of the Overhand Wristlock is to really show off the wrestler's bodies, putting their muscle on display.

The fans go wild as The Golden Boy overcomes Patera's power and begins to win the Wristlock Battle.  Does this now make Bob Backlund the "Strongest Man in the World"??


Patera grabs Backlund's hair and throws him to the mat to break the hold.  Now we'll never know who is really the stronger man!  
Patera grabs Backlund's wrist and braces his feet to stretch out his arm.  Do you think this super strong Power-lifter can rip Backlund's arm right out of the socket??

Cocky Ken Patera begins mocking the worried fans, rocking back for added leverage as poor Backlund groans in agony.  

"I'll send him back to Minnesota in a BOX!"

The Golden Boy struggles to his feet, again forced to use all the strength he can muster to over-come the much stronger athlete.  Patera keeps his boots braced against the Champ's shoulder.

With agony and determination etched on his cute face, Backlund shows us why he is such a popular Baby-Face: because he knows how to sell the pain.

Wrapping his thick thighs around Patera's head, Backlund takes the Olympian down to the mat in a tight Headscissor.

Now it's Patera's turn to suffer as Backlund flexes his leg muscles to crush his head between those powerful tree-trunks.

The ref leans in and starts a long conversation with Patera.  I wonder what they're talking about?

Meanwhile, check out the awesome strength in Backlund's legs as his muscles flex to apply maximum pressure.  I think this stud could crush a keg of beer between those powerful thighs!

They really need to use more Head-scissors in Pro Wrestling now-a-days.  If any wrestlers are reading this, give the fans some more Scissors!

Patera finally breaks the Scissor and slaps on a nice, tight Bearhug, one of his favorite holds.  Once again the cameras are flashing to capture Backlund's amazing expressions of agony.

Wow, the Champ sure knows how to suffer!  He looks like he's about to cry as the Strongest Man in the World tries to crush his ribs.

Backlund tries to slip his arms inside Patera's hug to escape the hold.  But every time he's close to breaking free, Patera suddenly squeezes tighter, shaking the victim's body and preventing his escape.  

Like most of the big, muscular heels in Pro Wrestling, Ken Patera uses the Bearhug all the time.  It seems to be the ultimate test of power and endurance, the best way for a man to measure another man's strength.

It's not looking too good for your boy here.  Check out that pained expression on your hero's face as the stronger man crushes him like a grape.

Oh yeah, this kid is HURT!  Looking exhausted, he throws back his head in agony. Do you like this image??  Sure you do!

This Bearhug goes on for nearly 4 minutes, one of the longest Hugs in wrestling history.  Every time Backlund struggles to escape, Patera tightens the squeeze and maintains his control.
The wrestlers kneel down, lay down on the mat, return to their knees, yet Patera maintains his relentless grip.  This great Bearhug has gone on far beyond the fans' wildest dreams!

How much more of this endless squeezing can your boy handle??  The wrestlers are cheek to cheek as sweat pours down their struggling bodies, but Backlund can't break the hold!

Again Backlund tries to slip his arms inside the brute's hug, between their soaked bodies.  For about the tenth time, Patera gives the Champ a big crushing squeeze to foil his escape attempt.

Again on their feet, Patera tightens his deadly embrace.  He grits his teeth and squints his eyes like he's in the throes of passion.
Wow, what happened to your Champ??  I think he finally met his match, suffering like a bitch as Ken Patera continues to milk all the air out of his lungs.

Backlund uses the last of his strength to press on Patera's chin, but another bump and grind by the Olympic Strong-Man has Backlund limp in his arms yet again.  They should really give Bob Backlund an Academy Award for Best Display of Pain by a Cute Baby-Face.

Patera leans in for greater leverage on the Champ's lungs.  Meanwhile, Backlund relaxes, his face taking on a calm expression of defeat.  He now realizes he will never escape this Bearhug.

In a dramatic pose of helplessness and defeat, Backlund's face relaxes and he goes limp in Patera's relentless embrace.  Your boy should have never gotten in the ring with the Strongest Man in the World!

The ref tests Backlund's arm, but it's as limp as a wet noodle.  How can this kid defeat the stronger man if he can't even draw air into his lungs??
I think the poor kid is out cold now.  Patera begins flexing and releasing, flexing and releasing, to wring out the last of Backlund's strength.

Backlund is helpless.  The ref should probably stop the match, but he allows the crushing Bearhug to continue, maybe because the fans are enjoying it so much.

Like a rag-doll, Backlund passes out in the strong-man's Hug.  He's being totally owned by Patera, forced to his knees in defeat!

Suddenly they reach the time limit and the bell rings. The match is a draw and Backlund gets to keep his Belt!  Other wrestlers storm into the ring to break up the fight.

As the shirtless wrestlers pull apart the over-heated competitors, it almost looks like a Battle Royal  (or possibly an orgy.)

Bathed in sweat, with the strings hanging out of his tight trunks, the Champion gasps for air trying to recover from that rib-crushing embrace.  Wow, I'm impressed -- no wonder you are a Bob Backlund fan.
Did you like it, dude?  If you want to watch video of this great battle, including that relentless Bearhug scene, click the play button below.  Thanks again for the donation!