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Gallery 794
Z-Man Sleepers

You can never have too many images of Tom Zenk putting away jobbers in his patented Sleeper Hold. Here is Zenk wrapping his arms around Greg Evans' neck.

The soft-bellied jobber struggles to escape, but Zenk is just too powerful.  He flexes his muscles and Evans is soon going limp.

Z-Man cracks a smile as he watches the pretty-boy's face relax.  Zenk tells the ref to "Ask him!  Ask him!"  but it's already to late, the kid is out cold.


The ref raises handsome Tom Zenk's arms in victory and the fans get to see a nice beefcake pose.
The Cuban Assassin was a macho, beefy stud with a beard and camoflage pants.  He may be tough, but he is no match for the power in Z-Man's thick arms.

Cuban Assassin was known as "Fidel Castro's favorite wrestler."  I wonder if Castro is going to punish the poor wrestler when he sees this humiliating defeat by a more powerful capitalist.

By the way, this gallery is dedicated to the guy who recently sent me a nice donation but didn't specify what he wanted to see.  I figure everyone likes Tom Zenk and everyone likes Sleepers, so hopefully this is worth your donation...

The ref tests the Assassin's arm, but its as limp as a soft tortilla.  Once again, Tom Zenk has defeated another man with his deadly Sleeper!

What a body on this Tom Zenk!  He struts around the ring flexing his muscles, letting the fans enjoy the eye candy.

Check out the ref, feeling Zenk's powerful arm muscles.  Damn, this is like some Muscle Worship video I saw recently on YouTube!

I think this jobroni's name is Thad Clark.  I guess it doesn't MATTER what his name is, as long as he knows his role.

Zenk makes easy work of the wimpy jobber, quickly dropping him to the mat and sending him off to Dreamland.  Zenk was sure fun to watch in the ring!

The Z-Man watches his jobber twitching on the mat like a goldfish that jumped out of it's bowl.  

Cameras begin flashing as Zenk strikes a victory pose.  I wonder if he stuffs or if that's all natural.

Some wrestlers wear a thong or a speedo under their wrestling trunks.  Tom Zenk apparently does not.
Here is a muscular masked man who simply calls himself "The Pro" trapped in the "Z-Lock."  Zenk rocks the masked man from side to side like he's rocking a baby  to sleep.

The Pro has a very ripped, powerful body so he is able to struggle for a while before Zenk is able to put him down for his nap.

GRRR!   Gripping his own soft-ball sized bicep, Zenk increases the pressure.  Soon the Pro's arm is slowly dropping like a candle in the microwave.

The bell sounds and the ref leans in to order Zenk to release the hold.  But Tom's in an ornery mood tonite and keeps the sleeper locked on for several extra seconds.  You bad boy!

Dayum!  Zenk's body looks like an anatomy chart as he flexes into his victory pose.  I think this is the most shredded I've ever seen him!

I hope you aren't bored by images of Tom Zenk celebrating his superior power, because I could look at pictures like this all day long and I plan to.

Another ref gets touchy, feeling the power in the Z-Man's arm and checking out his physique.  Zenk allows the refs to handle him like this, since he is proud of his hard body.

Check out the intensity in Zenk's face as he slaps his Sleeper on cute jobber Joe Cruz.  Cruz meanwhile looks like he fell asleep in Biology class or something.

The jobber weakly grasps Zenk's arm in a futile attempt to lessen the pressure.  The stud in control grits his teeth and ratchets on even more pressure.

You gotta love their facial expressions.  The ruthless dominant Alpha Male and the submissive, helpless baby-face in peril.

Zenk keeps the hold on extra long this time.  I guess he realizes how much the fans enjoy watching his very handsome opponent suffering like that.

At last the ref tests the jobber's arm, but it falls over limp and deflated like that houseplant you forgot to water for about a month.

Tom Zenk was a jobber to the stars, taking incredible beatings from anyone who the promoters were pushing.  At least he enjoyed this brief stint in the early 90's when he was able to dominate every jobber they threw at him.

Again the ref tests the loser's arm and again it drops to the mat.  OK ref, you can ring the bell any time now!  Clearly this kid is out cold!
Now it's sexy Rip Rogers' turn to feel the Z-Man's power.  Rogers sells the agony of the hold, twisting his face into an expression of suffering.

The bearded blond's face relaxes in Z-Man's relentless grip.  I don't think anyone was able to escape Zenk's ruthless Sleeper -- at least none of these jobbers ever broke it.

As Zenk flexes his hard bicep, Rogers continues to suffer.  Great job by both studs as this match goes down in hot wrestling history.

The ref raises his arm, but Rip Rogers and his pink satin underwear are laid out on the mat.  Zenk has dominated yet another powerful man.

I wonder if Zenk ever grew tired of easily winning his matches, then allowing the fans to drool over his body.  He never seemed to get tired of it.

Again we have a ref who enjoys the feel of a good hard muscle in his hand.  He grips Zenk's shoulder and tricep, enjoying his raw power and bare chest, as Zenk flirts with the fans at home.

I may have already shown images of Zenk putting away Tommy Angel with his deadly sleeper, but it's such a hot scene, I guess I'll feature it again.

Angel looks like a drowning man, going under for the third time, as Zenk presses on the back of his head to press his carotid arteries against the crook of his arm.

Wow, these studs are sure making it hard for me to pick a favorite Z-Man Sleeper.  Angel's beefy body is loose and limp, I think Tom Zenk is the only thing holding him up at this point.

You just can't beat awesome suffering like this, and it was free to anyone who turned on Pro Wrestling and hit "Record" on their VCR.

Yet another man falls victim to the Z-Man's patented Z-Lock.  Poor Angel is looking limp-wristed in this photo, thanks the Zenk's relentless pressure.

Again Zenk strikes the classic Victory Pose, and again the ref grips his fleshy forearms like he's trying to knead some dough.

Zenk eventually stopped wrestling due to a dispute with the promoters.  (If I was the promoter, I would've let Zenk walk all over me.)

This beefy jobber called himself "Mike Awesome" but he's not looking too awesome now that the Z-Man has his arms wrapped around his neck.

Zenk wastes no time putting Mike Awesome away, and the ref wastes no time rushing over to argue with Zenk, mainly so he can check out that perfect body up close.

Big Trent Knight was a jobber who understood that "sex sells", especially in pro wrestling.  He wore some tight little speedos in the ring that made him look huge.

Very, very nice!  Knight isn't even trying to resist his master, allowing him to cinch on the pressure  as Zenk easily dominates him.  Maybe THIS is my favorite Tom Zenk sleeper scene.

Knight thrashes around for a while, but he will never escape the tight embrace by the hottie in the bulging whitie tighties.

Soon Zenk takes his boy down to the mat, and the fans begin snapping photos so they can enjoy this display later in the privacy of their own homes.

A couple young dudes in the front row sure can't peel their eyes off this display of masculine domination.  I wonder if they'll be re-enacting this scene later after they get home and sneak off behind the garage.

"The winner of the match, and STILL the hottest stud to ever master the Sleeper Hold...

...The Z-MAN!   Tom ZEEEEENK!"

There haven't been any pro wrestlers lately that adopted the Sleeper as their patented hold.  If any wrestlers out there want to suddenly get the fans' attention, start using the Sleeper to finish off every single opponent.

A masked man in sexy tights named Agent Steele gets to feel the Z-Man's tight embrace.  Now we know who the true man of steel is in the ring.

Soon Agent Steele is helpless on the mat, totally tamed by the Z-Man.  I wish Zenk would peel off the helpless man's mask and really make this interesting!

Here is one last look at Zenk in his usual pose of victory.  (At least until I feature him again in another gallery, which probably will happen soon!)

Did you enjoy those images of Tom Zenk putting out his opponents?  Do you want to see those same hot Sleepers as a video?  If so, click the play button below...