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Gallery 741
O Canada!

Petey Williams is a goateed hottie from Team Canada who is very patriotic for his homeland.  In fact, he created a gimmic to sing his national anthem, O Canada!, during his matches.

Petey applies the Tree of Woe, then climbs up the opponent's body to plant his boot in the man's crotch.  With his hand on his heart, Petey begins singing his Anthem:  

"O, Canada!..."

Here is Petey in crotch-snug blue trunks, ignoring the ref's count as he humiliates the other wrestler in the blue speedo...

"...Our home and native land."

The ref should disqualify Petey on the count of five, but for some reason, the ref allows him to maintain this illegal position in the ropes until he sings his entire anthem.  Maybe the dirty ref is also a Canadian!

"True patriot love in all thy sons command."

Petey is known as the "Canadian Destroyer", maybe because he has destroyed the male reproductive organs in so many other wrestlers.

"With glowing hearts, we see thee rise..."

Even the great Christopher Daniels faces the pain and degradation of the Tree of Woe with a Crotch Stand!  Check out the cocky grin on Petey's face as poor Daniels suffers!

"...The True North strong and free!"
We learned in Gallery 739 that Chris Sabin is a master of the Tree of Woe.  Judging from that skimpy speedo with the fancy pattern, I'd say that is Chris Sabin getting humbled by Petey's Canadian Tree of Woe!

"From far and wide..."

This victim's partner is entering the ring to stop Petey before he can finish his national anthem.  Oh well, I'm sure the ref and Petey's partner in the red tights can subdue the angry opponent until the Canadian Destroyer finishes his song.

"...O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!"

Petey is just too hot for words, one hand over his heart and one hand on his bulging crotch as he sings in honor of his country.  Can't any American wrestlers teach this cocky Canuck some proper respect for the U.S.A. ?!?!

"God keep our land glorious and free!"

Surely Petey Williams won't use this humiliating pose on the phenomenal A. J. Styles!  Surely A. J. will break free before having the Canadian's boot planted in his exposed crotch!

"O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!"

No, even Styles is forced to job to this embarrasing maneuver, hanging patiently in the ropes with a boot on his balls while the cocky Canadian finishes his national anthem.

"O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!"
Check out all the horny dudes at ringside eagerly snapping photos as Petey takes his Alpha Male position on this muscular brother's manhood and sings his song.  All eyes are glued to Petey's muscular body as he proudly performs for the fans.

Ron Killings is a muscle-bound black stud who prides himself on his manly strength.  Here we see Killings being neutered by the Canadian Destroyer, who ignores the victim's screams as he finishes every note in his song.

Petey is one tough looking Canadian.  It would be nice to see a strong American put this cocky show-off in his place, but normally, Petey destroys and dominates his opponents by dancing on their balls in the corner.

Here is Petey in his white trunks, dumping some opponent in black gear in the corner, where he'll hang the bearded stud in the Tree of Woe.

Every dude in the audience stares up at Petey's buff body in admiration and worship as he stands on the screaming victim's ball-sack.  Even the victim's partner glues his eyes to Petey's body.

Check out the disgust and frustration on the face of the partner standing outside the ropes as his partner's crotch is stomped into hamburger.  

What are those red trunks made of, vinyl??  They tend to fold and bulge in some interesting places, putting Petey's big crotch on display whenever he climbs the ropes to sing O Canada!

Here is Petey looking buff and intense with sweat or oil shining in his hair and down his powerful chest.  His shiny red trunks tend to slide up on his thighs, creating folds and creases that make the fans wonder what exactly is poking out where.