Here are some rassling images I recently found online and reposted on my new blog at WrestlingArsenal.newTumbl.com.

Normally I would write some descriptions on here explaining why each image caught my eye and rubbed me the right way. But now that I have the newTumbl option, I decided to write my longer narratives on there.
This gives you the best of both worlds. Here on WordPress, you can quickly scan through the eye-candy. If you want a deeper analysis into the ring psychology and homo-erotic appeal of each image, check out my newTumbl.

Normally the WordPress blog would provide longer text narratives, whereas a Tumblr-style blog is quick and minimal. I’m flipping the script here by moving the narrative details to the newTumbl blog and just posting images here on WordPress.
I am sorry to say this, but I HATE the look of your new blog. I miss this format so much. Please come back here instead!!
Thanks for speaking up to comment on my Blog — I get so little feedback on my work so I really appreciate you for taking the time to say something at this point. I am really enjoying the ease of posting on newTumbl, it’s just a quicker, simpler method. Also this WordPress blog requires plenty of admin work by the Blogger (blocking Spam, clearing comments left by Bots, updating software on the server) that I don’t have to deal with on newTumbl.
It may be that you don’t like the sorting of your newTumbl Feed into multiple columns, requiring you to click “Expand” to read the text. I hate that format as well. However, in the top right corner of the Feed, you will see a box button to change your sorting. I always change this to “Detail Large, 1 Column” which sorts the posts in chronological order and expands the text. Once you do that, it’s not THAT different from this format other than the posts flow one after another on newTumbl without needing to click “Older Posts” to see the prior one.
The issue is that newTumble doesn’t have RSS feeds which screws up the way I read your blog
first time I tried to go to your new blog, I got a virus warning.
concerned about trying again.
I never received a warning and not sure how you can get a virus. It is all images and you don’t need to click on or download anything executable, but I understand you’ve got to be careful.