Suffering Sunday

Jessie Godderz takes the short journey from muscle-man to ragdoll.

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3 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. lucca says:

    the first picture is the huge cocked chris dickinson lying flat on his back — explains the grin on the fat wrestler

  2. Stay Puft says:

    Thanks for the I.D., Lucca!

    And Jessie Godderz, oh my GOD…

  3. MARC says:

    Nothing better than a picture of a wrestler suffering. Pic #1 = All I can say to the guy flat on his back having taken a shot that sent him there….WOOF! ( he fills his trunks quite well ! )
    Pic#4= ALWAYS Love a jobber, in the throws of getting worked over, REACHING out to get help, or PLEADING for help. ( yet NONE ever comes ) Suffering Sunday still rocks!