Suffering Sunday

Randy obviously knows we get off on it because he does it for us all the time…

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2 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. MARC says:

    Another Great post on men Suffering in the ring. WOOF!! Cody Rhodes, OMG from the first time I saw him on WWE to how he looks now….De-lic-ious !! ( especially when he’s laid out on the mat from a beating !!) The 3rd pic down..Where His hand is, and the look on the brutes face…Priceless! As for RKO…one word say’s it all…INCREDIBLE !! Love the Look on Sandow’s face as he punishes the blonde hottie….” I hurting you to much punk? ” Another great post…..Kudos Arsenal !!

  2. alphamaledestroyer says:

    Thanks fot the photos, your comments and all the pain and doom of this studs