Having His Number, 2 of 2

After an epic Pay-Per- View battle, the same match is sometimes re-wrestled on the next televised broadcast.  It gives the fans who didn’t shell out for the PPV a taste of what they missed.

After Del Rio stomped Ziggler into submission at Money in the Bank, he was given another chance to punish and humiliate the Show Off the very next night on RAW.  Not long after the bell, the gold boots went to work on Ziggler’s noggin yet again..

This match is all about the degradation and destruction of Mr. Ziggler — his loss of Mojo, his pathetic impotence.  He spends much of the match sprawled on the mat (awaiting yet another stomp to the skull) and melting against the ropes with that Aww-I’m-Gonna-Cry look on his face.

His mop of blond hair is askew, and he didn’t even shave — signs that he is falling apart.  His physical vulnerability, his deference to the superior Del Rio, signal his defeat.  Del Rio stands around smiling with his hands on his hips, as if to say: “Where is my competition?!”

Ziggler has the “Babyface in Peril” motif down to a science, even falling dangerously out of the ring to splat on the floor where he spreads his legs to show us his shiny silver ballsack.

I’m not sure if Ziggler is trying to put Del Rio over with his repeated performances of the “I’ve Fallen and I can’t Get Up” schtick, or if he’s actually trying to put himself “under” — to immolate and degrade himself.  Whatever his intentions, the match is a boner-fest.

And Del Rio is always entertaining as he dishes out the abuse — smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary as he struts around slowly plotting his next attack.  He just exudes cockiness — gotta love that in a Heel.  He doesn’t bother with much grappling or apply his patented Armlock against Zigger (a further humiliation, as if saying — I don’t even need my Finishing Hold to beat this chump).  Instead the action is percussive, like the beating of a drum.  Ziggler meanwhile presses his perfect face against the foul mat, as if he’s pressing his forehead in the mud like an obedient peasant.

Ziggler has recently broken up with his girlfriend because the little psycho caused him to be Disqualified in his prior war with Del Rio (plus she’s nuts.)  She shows up to distract her former squeeze — even ringing the bell to make Ziggler believe the match ended.

Distracted by the psycho ex-girlfriend, poor Ziggler doesn’t even see the huge boot to the chin that knocks him all the way down to jobber status.

Once again, Del Rio reigns supreme over his blond toy.  After all these painful and humbling beatings by Del Rio, do you think Ziggler will now give up and forever concede that Del Rio is the superior Alpha Male?

Next AJ enters the ring to exact a little revenge over being dumped.   After standing over Ziggler like she wanted to spit on him, she suddenly picks up his face and plants a big kiss on his mouth.

I believe she intends this gesture as an insult.  She places herself in the male role, sneaking a kiss, while Ziggler is presented in the passive female role — the kissee.

Next, AJ’s bodyguard, Big E, slams Ziggler again onto the mat.  Then the big man exits the arena with AJ on his heels.  This may imply that she is now dating her bodyguard.  She has given up on her boy-toy and upgraded to a massive, muscular brute — a Real Man.

Ziggler, meanwhile, continues to lose.  In the past several days, he lost his gold belt, his woman, his pride and dignity, and his masculinity.  The cocky Showoff has been humbled at last.

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