Suffering Sunday

Wade looks spectacular in any color trunks, but he is especially eye-catching in red.

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3 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. MARC says:

    What a way to start your Sunday !! The 1st pic? OMG..Arm stretched out as he suffers on the mat…Looks to me as if he is saying to the Advancing Punisher…PLEASE! NO MORE! NO MORE! ( you know full well, he got Plenty more ) The kid getting worked in Roderick’s BackBreaker…Beautiful–Just Beautiful! 3rd pic down..Getting pulled up off the mat for more Punishment, by Mr. Biceps…the kid definately Knows ( by the look on his face ) what he’s in for. Wade in Red…should be his signature color ! WOOF!! 8th pic…Ultimate Warrior getting ready to Post & Punish Brian Costello..( great Jobber / Better Chest ) Zack Ryder ALWAYS look incredible when he’s suffering !! Great Post Arsenal !!

  2. Stay Puft says:

    Ultimate Warrior picture–that ref IS surprisingly hot!

  3. Tom says:

    The jobber being cranked by the Ultimate Warrior might be “flabby” as you say, but I sure find him hot! That furry bod and his so-tight yellow speedo — just great.