Down-Graded Even Further

I was originally planning to post two articles describing the punishment and humiliation of Dolph Ziggler at the hands of The Shield.  First was a description of their many three-on-one beatings, and second was a focus on Dean Ambrose and the pleasure he takes in harming the Former Show-Off.

Well, to my surprise and delight, they delivered yet another three-against-one torture scene on last Friday’s episode of Smackdown.  YES!  Just when I feared they were moving on to new feuds and maybe allowing Ziggler to gain back some dignity, they go and gang-rape him yet again!

Mmm, yeah — hurt him dudes in black.

I fast-forwarded through the set-up so I am not sure how they justified tossing Ziggler in against these three bad-asses for yet another unfair beating…  It seems that The Shield is scheduled to wrestle a Three-on-One Gauntlet Match, meaning they will be fed a series of wrestlers one at a time that they get to attack like a pack of wolves. How is this fair?

They quickly take control of pretty-boy Ziggler like it’s an old habit, rip off his pink shirt, and begin taking turns holding back his arms so they can punch him in the face and the gut.  Ziggler takes a couple stiff jabs right to the breadbasket which leaves him curled up and gasping for air, so if you get into the whole Gut Punch fetish, you may want to try to find some video of this episode.

I know what some of you may be thinking — this is getting too repetitive.  Why do they keep showing the same three-on-one destruction of Ziggler over and over again?  Can’t poor Ziggler ever catch a break and take his revenge on The Shield?  Well, this is where we differ as wrestling fans.  I love watching this brutal punishment stuff — they can just keep on showing The Shield running over a helpless Ziggler, then backing up over him and running over him again. I am nowhere near ready to see Ziggler win back his pride and put The Shield in their places.

I enjoy this repetition — it adds a sense of masochism to Dolph Ziggler’s persona, as if he’s maybe addicted to the abuse, as if he wants to keep facing off with The Shield and being humbled and controlled and hurt by them.  It makes Ziggler seem like a martyr who loves his job a little too much, and I dig that vibe in a wrestling Baby-Face.  Of course Ziggler doesn’t stand a chance against these three killers, and for some odd reason, it’s a turn-on every time he dares to challenge them. And The Shield, especially Dean Ambrose, never fail to add a nice dose of homo-erotic dominance.

When Ziggler tries to fight back a little, his punishment is a very stiff, very unnecessary, very brutal kick to the mush by Seth Rollins. DAMN Rollins — way to assert your manhood (but didya really need to be so rough on my boy Dolph??)   Check out the clip below if you want to see Ziggler booted into the middle of next week.

Dolph sells his anguish beautifully, flopping and rolling around on the floor like a deer that just got smoked by a passing truck.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, as soon as Ziggler tries to rise to his feet like a man, Roman Reigns spears him right into the barricade to utterly ruin him and crushing any hopes of him fighting back (or possibly of ever standing up straight again.)

The violence is so severe — it seems Dolph’s punishments are getting worse and worse.  He had better become The Shield’s slave soon — or do whatever they want him to do to avoid further pain– because he sure can’t stand much more  abuse like THIS — see below:

OOOFFF!!  The scene ends with some images of Ziggler broken and out cold against the ringside fence while the Alpha Males, the Real Men, the dominant overlords take possession of the ring and stand over him in victory.  Damn — keep up the great work, WWE.  Never assume that we want the heroes to win in the end and the cheating villains to be punished.

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