Nut Cracker Ballet

In honor of the holiday, here are some “Nut Crackers” I’m sure you’ll enjoy finding under the proverbial tree this Christmas morning.

I happen to know that many of you have been begging Santa for some images of hitting or kneeing below the belt that leaves one wrestler curled up in a ball gasping for air. Don’t say I never gave you anything, kiddies.

Seeing a painful Ball Buster inflicted on some poor soul is one reason to celebrate our own good fortune this holiday season, because we can be thankful that at least THAT didn’t just happen to me!

In any given week, the most common Search Terms being entered into Google and other search engines which link people to this blog are related to crotchal punishment.  Here are a few colorful searches entered just in the past week:

  • wrestling ball grab
  • Balls& crotch. Wrestling
  • wrestlers grabbing balls
  • Balls Squeeze Wrestling
  • wrestling ballbusts, low blows
  • muscle wrestling ball busting

You damn perverts — I love you guys!  Merry Christmas.

But wait, there’s more.  Here are additional search terms found in the past few weeks on some of your Wish Lists:

  • ball busting universe
  • dropping a guy to get balls wrestling
  • male busting wrestring
  • ballbusting knee
  • spandex man lowblowed
  • ballbusting wrestling stomping
  • dolph ziggler grabbing his crotch

You guys are just addicted to Nuts.

And here is a recent e-mail I received all the way from Thailand, which proves that Ball Busting is loved all around the world:

“Pro wrestler in tight shinny trunks and boots make me so excited. When i was a child , i watch wrestling on TV and my dick is hard on. I dont know why i am like this.  I love to see jobber in the match get completely destroy. However most of my main punishment i love are gut and balls punishment. Can u post more pro wrestling scene with gut and balls punishment?”

Yes, here you go.  Merry Christmas in Thailand (assuming they celebrate Christmas in Thailand.  ??)

A wise man once said: if someone crotches you on the top rope, crotch him right back.

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One Response to Nut Cracker Ballet

  1. Dave says:

    Anyone know who the guy straddling the ropes in the third picture is? Awesome trunks!