Suffering Sunday

Switch hands every few times — then you won’t get cramps.

Oh Dolph — are you just doing that to tease us??

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3 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. alphamaledestroyer says:

    I can not understand why nobody is kicking Dolph´s crotch right now that is vulnerable

  2. Allen Thomson says:

    These are always so very good. Why are there so few today, Jan 19 ?

  3. Mark says:

    What is it, about looking at pictures of a wrestler in the throws of Suffering, viewing a DVD of a Jobber getting his A** pounded by his brutal opponent or at a live event, where it’s up close and ( very ) personal, where you can hear the Heel S**t talking his victim as he Punishes him, and at the same time, hearing the kid moan, plead and verbalize what is happening to him??? Crap….All I know is, I Love it no matter what format it’s in, and SUFFERING SUNDAY’S here on this blog, is one venue I look foward to…every freeking Sunday!!! Thanks for the Hard Work, and all the GREAT pictures you give us, EVERY WEEK!!