Suffering Sunday

Well well well.  I see you’re back again for more images of wrestlers hurting and exhausted, selling their agony for your twisted viewing pleasure.  “Suffering Sunday” has turned out to be a popular weekly feature on this Blog.  It looks like there are plenty of you sick puppies out there who get into watching a wrestler helpless and in agony, even knocked out cold.  Here is another nice batch.

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3 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. Joe says:

    You are ALWAYS on the money, my friend, but this post stands out–or makes me stand out–or something …

  2. Al says:

    Who’s the wrestling on the stairs!?

  3. AP says:

    I was wondering who the guy on the stairs was too,
    he looks abit like Nathan Cruz, but pretty sure it isnt.
    Anyone know who the mystery jobber is?