Over The Knee

I enjoy when a wrestler lifts his opponent in Body-Slam position, and I think to myself: he’s gonna give him a Body-Slam. And the opponent probably braces himself for a Body-Slam.

But somewhere between the release and the landing, the victim gets a little surprise.  His back strikes the waiting knee of the slammer, giving him a stunning little extra shot of pain from landing on a hard legbone instead of the relatively soft, flat canvas.  So here are some images of the dreaded Over-the-Knee (or OTK) Backbreaker.

I also enjoy when the attacker is holding his victim at chest level, and just before the slam, he hoists that body up to shoulder height so his slamming force is that much greater.  You may need to click on the image at left to see what I’m referring to…

I also really enjoy when the bad guy slams his opponent across the bent knee, and holds him there, suspended.  He proceeds to work on that back, bending the guy over the knee like he’s bending steel pipe.

Adam Thornstowe suffers a painful Backbreaker at the hands of Dylan Drake

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