Mask Porn

I recently found a great YouTube channel that I’m really digging:  matto11011. The channel  is chock full of wrestling matches from the 1970’s through 1990’s featuring masked wrestlers such as Mr. Olympia, the Patriot, the Masked Superstar, and the Grapplers.

If you get off on wrestlers in spectacular, colorful spandex hoods, this channel is the absolute mother-lode. I am sure enjoying it.

You will find numerous wrestling videos posted by the owner of the channel himself in his Videos section, as well as a series of Playlists featuring over 800 masked wrestling matches he collected from all around YouTube.  The pure volume of material is enough to make you swoon — I may need to take a day off work just to really dig in.  The video quality is very good overall given the age of the footage, the wrestling action is old-school, and the masks are just gorgeous to behold.

The one thing all these videos have in common is that at least one (or more) of the wrestlers wears a wrestling mask.  I have always found wrestling masks to be interesting and appealing in a kinky, raunchy, taboo sort of way, but this channel makes me love them all the more.

In this ultimate collection of masked matches, we see hooded wrestlers portrayed in every role:  as brutal villains (such as the Masked Superstar), bumbling jobbers (the Menace), dirty cheaters (the Hangmen), and heroic Good Guys (the Patriot).

Here we see the muscular Patriot forced to his knees, his strength overwhelmed by the fat, powerful One Man Gang.  Our masked hero is helpless, unable to break free. Meanwhile, the gluttonous villain can’t keep his hands off the spectacular mask, clutching it in his fingers, twisting the Patriot’s head and neck.

The Dark Patriot was the arch enemy and antithesis of the Patriot.  He wore black from head to toe accented with blood red stars, which represented his evil nature and his anti-American politics.

This Dark Patriot (of course) also feuded with the ultimate rookie Baby-Face in the Global Wrestling Federation — young Chaz.  One of the playlists on the Matt011011 channel includes the video of the cruel Dark Patriot completely molesting the nearly naked Chaz in his light purple bikini.

We see Chaz selling his agony beautifully and pathetically as he always did.  His body is ragdolled, his long legs spread open, vulnerable to the Dark Patriot’s assault.

You will also find many Masked Superstar matches posted on the channel.  This beast was the ultimate dick-head heel in his black body-suit.  He was a bad-ass who really inspired your fear, respect, and dark dirty thoughts.  He was tough talking and ruthless, and loved to put his victims to sleep in a tight Cobra Clutch.

Fred MacKenzie is pale, soft, ineffective, and yet somehow our hearts go out to him with his well-groomed beard and long floppy hair.  The Superstar just owns him, dragging him up by the hair, tossing him out of the ring, and grabbing big handfuls of his stretchy yellow trunks to slam him on his back.  It is an absolute squash job.

Gordon Solie calls the action in his smooth, drawling voice, telling us all about Fred MacKenzie’s helpless agony and the Superstar’s stunning Forearm Blows.

Solie explains that the Superstar was recently humiliated by another wrestler — Bruce Reed — so he is taking out his anger and frustration this unfortunate little jobber.  Back-stories like this — the Heel angered like a bull in heat and unleashing his rage on a pathetic wimp — are what made pro wrestling exciting and arousing.

Solie tells us Superstar is “punishing” the jobber with “cold, cool, icy vengeance.”  Did Solie even realize he was turning on the audience with that kind of talk??

I’ve only scratched the surface of the wealth of great masked wrestling matches, classic gear, and exciting action available on this YouTube channel.  Maybe I will feature more of these matches in future articles as I dig deeper into the archives.

Anyway, I just want to commend Matto11011 for his great taste in pro wrestling and in masks, and for putting together this great collection of videos on YouTube.  Keep up the great work!  Speaking of “work” — oh shit, now I’m gonna be late again because I lost track of time writing about all these videos!

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2 Responses to Mask Porn

  1. Mark says:

    Just watched the Dark Patriot v Chaz match – great bout. Chaz definitely not wearing liners under his near see-throughtrunks, as they were almost pulled off in the turnbuckle…..should’ve been a mask v trunks forfeit match, loser bares his identity or his bare bulge !

  2. MIKE says:

    THANK…YOU!!! Cute, muscle ‘jobbers’ clad in tight, ‘religious denomination-revealing’ speedos vs. Big, powerful, evil, wrestling ‘heels’ sporting ankle length tights and an array of sexy wrestling masks…NOW YOU’RE TALKIN’! I don’t know (nor care) about YOU, but THIS is definitely MY kinda wrestlin’ porn! Think I’ll spend the next few days GORGING on a healthy smorgasbord of mouth-watering ‘MASKED man meat! :p