So back in 2012, a reader of my Blog sent me a series of images (I think created with the “Poser” software) featuring this barefoot young wrestler in the role of the handsome Face-in-Peril in the ring.
I added captions under the images and created the storyline that he is “Brock Armstrong” — the son of one of the famous Armstrong brothers, just breaking into world of pro wrestling. This hopefully adds some drama and psychology.
Brock’s opponent is this arrogant hard-body in a bikini and vicious rocker boots. If you haven’t guessed yet, this green-haired bully is going to destroy young Brock. I call him Damian Venom (like an evil snake.)
Anyway, I created seven or so images you see posted here, and then I guess I lost my creative spark and put the project aside. Other great wrestling matches caught my interest (I’m like a kid in a candy story when it comes to wrestling), and I never did finish up this cartoon series.
So the question I am posing for you this week is: Do you want to see more of this?
The artist who created these images sent me enough to create at least one more gallery and finish telling the story. Most of the remaining images available are in the same vein as these: mostly you would see lots of boot stomping and boots planted on bare chests, and lots of Face Sitting in Schoolboy Pin position. I can easily write more comments about how pathetic and overwhelmed poor Brock is feeling.
The in-ring story being depicted (by the artist and myself combined) is meant to portray a few common pro wrestling scenarios. There is the cocky Baby-Face, flexing and talking tough at the beginning of the match, being put in his place by an over-whelming and surprisingly aggressive opponent. There is also the concept of the Son trying to live up to his Daddy’s (and Grand-Daddy’s and Uncles’) reputation — trying to avoid being seen as the runt of the litter but failing to succeed. Instead of watching him triumph, we (and his successful wrestling family) will witness his pathetic failure and total degradation. And there is a ton of boot-on-chest victor posing, balls-to-chin Schoolboy Pins, and other images of dominance.
So I’m looking for your assessment of this work so far and an opinion on whether I should invest the time to finish telling the story. Or, if there is no apparent interest, I will move on to something else.
It would also help if you could send me quotations for what the ringside commentators or the green-haired Heel might be saying, or what poor helpless Brock might be thinking or saying in reply. I hate to repeat myself in the comments or captions, so any new inspiration is welcome.
Also, I want to thank the artist who created these and sent them to me. I’m sure I’ve long ago misplaced your original e-mails, so I can’t reply directly, but hopefully you’re seeing that I finally posted these great images and I am sorry for the long delay. Hopefully the outcome thus far was worth the wait…
YES! MORE MORE! I, for one, LOVE these images! (LOVE ‘EM!) Seeing Damian’s sweaty crotch being pressed into Brock’s flustered face is HOTTTT! Be it ‘real’ or skillfully crafted, 3-D animation, I don’t really care. After all… it’s ALL cock-stirring, balls-churning mano-a-mano, raunchy entertainment, after all!
(In the SECOND half, I sure hope that there’ll be a few, good ole crotch grabs, maybe some ball torture against the corner poles, or even a few ‘tree -of-woe crotch stomps.) 🙂
Keep THESE comin’ and you’ll be keepin’ US cummin’ too! :p
Yes, more, please!
Better late than never! Story and images are great.
If there’s a sequel – hope Brock comes back wearing big boots – real wrestling wear. As for Damian, all the more ‘power’ to him in the big combat boots. All boots are rad.Thanks.
Definitely continue!
Yes, by all means continue!
Yes, please. I pray you post more pics of this fight because the drawings are beautiful and sexy. Thanks for reading.
Yes! LOVE IT! Please do continue, or share the images if possible. Never thought 3D cartoon rendering could be so HOT.