We Need a Hero, Part 2

As discussed in the last article, Cena has entertained the WWE universe as the ultimate pro wrestling whipping boy for years.  Probably his most grueling feud, filled with the most brutal and humiliating images, was when he faced off with Sheamus, the pale red-head from Ireland.

Cena was never given a chance against this light-skinned Irish freak.  Over and over again, we saw Sheamus with a boot on Cena’s chest, or laughing as he elbow-smashed our boy in the neck, or gripping the Marine’s face in one hand like a man might do to a dog, or to a naughty child.  Cena was made into Sheamus’ bitch.  Why is that so fun to watch?

Sheamus is like a force of nature — sadistic, filled with Irish piss and vinegar, his flaming red hair and beard indicating the rage burning in his hard white body.  He’s a ball-buster.  He’s very stiff in the ring — his kicks look like he’s trying to punt his opponent’s head off.

A part of you almost feels sorry for Cena, or any wrestler forced to fight this monster, knowing the level of gut-busting punishment he always unleashes.  I’m not sure if an assault from this pale Irish brawler really does hurt, but it sure looks like it hurts, which is really the most important thing in pro wrestling.

We’ve talked about how a contrast between two opponents provides the drama and interest in a pro wrestling match.  The true contrast between Sheamus and Cena (both fit and powerfully built) lies in their attitudes.  Cena is funny, lovable, and always strives to entertain us and make us laugh.  If you’ve seen him on late night talk shows, you know the charismatic, humble, and cool confidence he exudes.

Sheamus, on the other hand, is ambitious, cold, ruthless, and angry.  Some would say he’s even scary.  He is disturbingly good at inflicting pain.  So when our pal Cena is shown hurting and helpless, victim of yet another Sheamus beat-down, it tugs at our heart-strings.  We want our friend to get up and fight back, or at least to survive without permanent injury (after he takes a good 15 to 20 minutes of stunning abuse first!)

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