Men in Tights

When it comes to a wrestler’s choice of gear, I normally prefer the short speedo-style trunks to the long tights.  I guess I’m a leg man. I used to be very picky and unforgiving on this point, but am growing more accepting of various gear choices as time goes by.

I finally came to realize that some guys can actually look better tighted than trunked.  If a wrestler has long, long legs and a ripped muscular torso, he can really rock the long pants.  I saw an old Rick Rude match (or “Rood” as he was known at the time) where he climbed in the ring wearing plan little blue trunks, and found myself actually missing his patterned tights with the garish designs. So there is a time and place for tights.

Tights offer more real estate, more fabric yardage to display those flashy colors, striking graphics, or wild patterns.  Tights can also highlight and draw attention to strong legs, drawing the eye to the thick thighs, bulging calves, or crushing hamstrings.   I’m also a sucker for tights with a stripe all the way down the side — I guess because the bad-ass heels of the classic, rough days of pro rasslin’ sported tights like that.

Here is a closer look at wrestlers who really rock the Peter Pan, Shakespeare, or Merry Men look.

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