More of What You’re Searching For

As a service to pro wrestling fans who follow this Blog, I periodically review the search terms that people entered to find this site, then provide images of the exact holds, scenarios, or wrestlers that people are searching for.  This exercise keeps me informed of the sorts of content you’re craving most, and ensures this website is meeting the needs of the readers.

Here are a few of the interesting searches that attracted people to this website recently…

nerve hold

Everyone seems to love the old Vulcan Death Claw:

wrestling arsenal 3 on 1

It’s not very fair or sportsmanlike, but you know you love it.

wrestler humiliated

You might need to be more specific.  As any pro wrestling fan can tell you, there are many ways to humiliate a wrestler.

hairy dude wrestle

When you say “hairy,” you’re talking about body hair, right?

slug him in the gut

It sure seems like a lot of people enjoy watching gut punching.  Why do you suppose that is?

tom zenk bearhug

Aren’t you getting tired of looking at dramatic images of godlike Mr. Minnesota all busted and helpless and groaning in pain?

young brit pro wrestlers

The British fans seemed to prefer their Baby-faces really young…

is watching wrestling sinning

If so, I know where I’ll be spending eternity!

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