In Which BRO Enjoys a Card Trick

My buddy BRO recently attended another local wrestling show and reported back on what he saw, with plenty of photos to illustrate his stories.  His greatest thrill of the night came from the new gimmick they’re rolling out for Tye Dillinger (formerly known as Shawn Spears.)

Lately Dillinger has been Tag-Teaming on NXT with fellow Greek god Jason Jordan, but that partnership may soon be replaced with this new gimmick (and push) for Tye Dillinger.

Apparently Tye is now portraying a psychotic card player.  He enters the ring shuffling a deck of cards to the sounds of a scratchy, squeaky radio.  My buddy BRO, who knows talent when he sees hit, offered this description:

He is looking so fucking hot in his trunks and boots. I mean, the guy is beyond good looking.

Spreading apart the ropes, Dillinger warns his opponent to get out of the ring to avoid the beating he is about to suffer.  That is a classic display of arrogant over-confidence, I used to love it when the cocky Heels would humiliate their competition by suggesting they should run away (which they never did.)  BRO described the scene like this:

Dillinger then pulls out of his trunks a deck of cards and fans them out.  He is shaking his head and talking partly to himself, partly to his opponent: ‘I am trying to give you a chance here.  I don’t want to do this to you!  I will give you one last chance — pick a card.’  It’s the Ace of Spades.  Dillinger takes the card and shakes his head in regret, saying: ‘You had your chance.’”  Apparently the Ace of Spades is the very worst card one could pick…

Dillinger’s unlucky opponent for this match is a game jobber in pristine white trunks and boots (a perfect jobbery look) known as Elias Sampson.

Sampson is the biggest punching-bag in NXT right now — everybody’s pathetic bitch.  He gets destroyed in like 20 seconds by the likes of Baron Corbin or the Ascension.  But he foolishly gets in the ring the next week just to get owned yet again.

Soon, the Man in Black is in complete control over the Man in White.  According to BRO, Sampson’s punishment was especially brutal and violent to sell the audience on the psychotic Hannibal Lector persona that Dillinger is working with.  Here is what BRO said about the devastation inflicted by Dillinger:

He then proceeds to fuckin’ DE-STROY his opponent — chokes on the ropes, rakes to the face.  I mean — it’s made painfully obvious that this jobber never had a chance in hell against the wild man!

Allow me to take a moment to praise BRO’s great camera skills as he puts us right inside the ring with these two hunks.

He always seems to focus on the same images I would focus on! Great job as always, BRO!

Apparently, after wrestling his opponent into exhausted, rag-dolled submission, Dillinger finishes him off in a most brutal manner.  Here is how our man on the scene described it:

After he finishes this total fuckin’ PUNISHMENT, the opponent is holding onto Tye’s ankle to climb up his leg. Tye slowly lowers his kneepad, and then brutally fuckin KNEE STRIKES his opponent right in the fucking face.  The jobber boy comes up bloody, but Tye acts like he had to do this and the kid had his chance earlier to escape.

After the match is over, he pulls the Ace of Spades out of his bulging trunks and leaves the card on his opponent’s chest and stands over him as they drag the poor guy out of the ring.   This is the fucking hottest gimmick I’ve seen in a long, long time.

That is a big endorsement coming from BRO — my dude watches a LOT of pro wrestling!  To see more images of Dillinger playing with his cards and working his new Psycho Man in Black gimmick, check out the Beefcakes of Wrestling blog, the article titled “The NXT Superstar?

I am definitely enjoying this new gimmick for Dillinger (and BRO’s exceptional photo-journalism).  I support any gimmick that will help Dillinger get a push and advance his career.  He has been working hard on the Indy scene for decades, paying his dues helping other men get over and move up the ranks.  It is time for some other young chump to play the jobber so this stud can evolve into the dominant Alpha Male he was born to be.

I think they could actually do more with this Pick-A-Card gimmick.  They could say that Dillinger has 52 different ways to hurt a man — one for each card in the deck.  He could lock on a Sleeper Hold for the Nine of Hearts or a Torture Rack for the Two of Clubs, or a deadly Piledriver for the Jack of Diamonds.

Whatever maneuver goes with each card doesn’t really matter — it would just be hot to present Dillinger as being so skilled in wrestling holds (after 20+ years in the ring) and so cocky and over-confident that he can destroy another man with any of 52 possible finishing moves.  After the card is selected, he could say something cocky to give us a hint of what he is going to do to the other man, something like: “OK, you’ve chosen the Nine of Hearts… Have a nice nap!”  The fact that Dillinger is so good-looking would only add more heat to this American Psycho gimmick.  I think this would be, to borrow a phrase, “the fucking hottest gimmick I’ve seen in a long, long time.

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4 Responses to In Which BRO Enjoys a Card Trick

  1. Bro says:

    Great article…you captured the match perfectly – Bro

  2. Bro says:

    Oh, you may be interested to know, Tye moved on to another gimmick, not sure if it is permanent, but, he plays a stripper…lots of gyrating. He wasn’t in the last show I attended. Hope he returns to the card player gimmick. And, yeah, I love the idea of 52 cards, 52 ways to destroy his opponent.

  3. RayAtL says:

    Great pics! Thanks for sharing them… Can’t get enough Sean Spears! I agree that he is “beyond good looking!”

  4. Tony says:

    what??? no way tye dillinger is former shawn spears!!!! i did not know that how did i not get that. thanks for the heads up