Suffering Sunday

Even when he wins a match, Big Dick Barrett always offers up a few nice poses of masculine helplessness for our viewing pleasure.

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2 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. male destroyer says:

    The penis of the stud of the phote before the last one, is suffering too, HOT!!

  2. JR says:

    MMMH, love that gif of Wade Barrett! He may have actually won like you say in the caption, but I have a different story in my mind: The way the camera rotates around a little to show that the ring is completely empty lets us know that the match is long over. It looks like he was so thoroughly dominated that his opponent and the ref got bored waiting for him to wake up, so they decided to head back to the locker room to get changed while that little bitch Barrett sleeps off his utter humiliation. The crowd’s attention seems to be on something off to the left, but the camera knows the focus belongs on Barrett’s limp exposed body and that delicious bulge in his trunks. I think the phrase “masculine helplessness” encapsulates a huge part of why I get off on pro wrestling. Well done!