Brute Strength

A few weeks ago, the CWF Mid-Atlantic federation performed another video data dump to their YouTube channel — sending chills of anticipation down my spine by posting dozens of hours of great wrestling action from recent months.  They do this a few times per year and I love it, especially since I know I will get to see more of sleazy, sexy Trevor Lee in action with his hard body and his little black speedo.

One of the recently posted matches features Trevor Lee in a Tag Team bout along with his partner, Chet Sterling.  Here is the lean, pretty Sterling suffering in a chinlock with his legs sprawled out all over the ring.

The opponents for Lee and Sterling are two big, beefy dudes in tight blue trunks known as the “Brutes.”   The younger and perhaps less vicious Brute is Jimmy Parker, seen here working over Sterling’s neck.

These Brutes are just glorious, I love their cruel tactics and their little blue trunks.  They are also surprisingly agile for big, heavy brutes.  Here Sterling suffers an illegal knee to the kidney from the Brute outside the ring, only to turn around and eat a stunning Drop-Kick from the other Brute.  Damn, that’s rough.

Chet Sterling is usually the prettiest dude in the ring, so he usually plays the Face-in-Peril, waiting for rescue from his boy, Trevor Lee.

We get the sense that three of the four men in this bout are Super-Human:  the Brutes because of their massive size, and Lee because, well he’s Trevor Lee.

That just leaves Chet Sterling as the only mere mortal, the guppy swimming in a school of sharks.  And for most of the match, the Brutes simply brutalize Sterling in his shiny tights, using their weight advantage to knock his block off.  Here Mark James fucks up the vulnerable Sterling with a deadly Clothesline.

Sterling is very vocal as he absorbs the Brutes’ combined assault, absolutely howling in pain, crying out in pure agony each time they chop him across the chest or drop a big knee into his gut.  His expressions of suffering are very convincing and fun to listen to.

You should also hear the colorful descriptions by the match commentators as they verbally masturbate all over these Brutes (and I don’t blame them — these big studs are just spectacular.)

“There may be nobody that just KNOCKS your block off quite like the Brutes!”

“Eww GOOOD LORD!  I felt that one all the way over here!”

“OH!  So, so impactful are the Brutes!  We are really going to see the toughness of Chet Sterling as they have got him isolated.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Chet has a concussion right now.  He is just getting hit SO hard tonight.  It’s like football players smashing into him.”    “The Brutes dish out concussions like Halloween candy.”  “The Brutes are just Too.  Damn.  Strong!”   “These Brutes are like two big linebackers who are just going after that 190-pound wide receiver.  They’re just smashing him!”

Eventually Sterling is able to tag in his partner– so you Trevor Lee fans who keep asking me to post more galleries of him can get your jollies.  Here the Brute tries to pull down Trevor’s trunks, but he escapes with an Elbow Smash and dives out onto the other Brute.  I won’t spoil the ending by telling you who wins

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