This Is Too Easy

One gimmick used to emasculate a weaker wrestler is for the dominant Alpha Male to gain the victory easily, an act of humiliation against the “man” who is supposed to be giving him competition (which we saw recently in my Sheamus vs. Ryder gallery.)  This article focuses on victorious studs reveling in their supremacy while making their submissive opponents appear weak and pathetic.

This cocky bastard, for example, brought a book to the ring so he could enjoy some light reading while breaking his victim in half. It’s as if the stud is saying: “This jobber is so worthless and pathetic, I don’t even need to waste any attention on him.  I can easily out-wrestle him while also catching up on my Shakespeare.

Takings a Selfie while beating up the opponent is a modern and trendy gimmick for making victory seem too easy.  It sends the message that your control over him is so casual, you can take the time to document it.

It also begs the question: what is the picture-taker going to do with that photo later?  Is he perhaps going to look at it during his alone time?

Here is another technique for humiliating the opponent by making him look like a push-over.  This big brawler pops a squat on his destroyed jobber’s face, using the helpless man as a seat cushion.  The victim is reduced to an object, a piece of furniture to be used for the comfort of the stronger man.

Some day this chump will review the photos from his losing match and realize how pathetic and sissified he appeared with the other man’s big ass in his face.  (Nice tall, shiny boots on the dominant stud, by the way…)

Big Dick Barret knows how to make his victories seem simplistic.  Here he stands over an emasculated Dolph Ziggler, casually raising his arms and the gold belt he just stripped from The Showoff while proudly showing us his abs and his dick.

The loser, meanwhile, conspires to put his opponent over by laying there exhausted and beaten, allowing the cocky victor to pose over him.  They do this often in the WWE — revel in a loser’s helplessness.  It is degrading enough when one wrestler easily wins a match and lets us know how effortless it was, but when the loser plays along by emphasizing his weakness — willingly playing dead at the dominant man’s feet — it’s downright arousing!

Dragging an opponent to his feet by the hair is another popular technique for making your dominance over him appear easy and effortless.  The hairpull sends the message that you don’t even respect him enough to lift him up by the arm or waist like a man — instead you bend the bitch to your will with just a handful of his hair.

This dominant daddy adds an extra measure of humiliation by rubbing the jobber’s face in his crotch, as if letting us know he could do it to him if he wanted to.

I can just hear the arrogant winner jawing at the crowd:  “Is THIS the best you could do?  Aren’t there any Real Men in this jerkwater town for me to fight??

The one-sided display of dominance adds credibility to the Bad Guy’s effectiveness and will generate excitement among the fans when that Big Swinging Dick is getting ready to take on a popular fan favorite.  They will all worry about their hero’s chances (while eagerly anticipating his inevitable agony.)

In this photo for example, Tony Neese lets us know he doesn’t even need to use his arms to control this jobber, using just one knee to beat the chump into helplessness.  Our take-away is that this powerhouse can easily defeat other men and we sure don’t want to miss it when he gets his hands on our handsome Hero at the next Pay-per-View (and perhaps actually uses his hands, and arms, and gigantic chest muscles to inflict more punishment.)

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One Response to This Is Too Easy

  1. swim10lift3 says:

    This could be the only time I condone taking a selfie! Although my favorite was one I saw on an indie broadcast (can’t remember which one) where the two had been outside the ropes. The jobber was spread on his back; the heel looked over the bottom of his boots, grimaced like there was something sticky on them, and WIPED HIS BOOTS ACROSS THE JOBBER’S CHEST to get it off. That one just got me so hard.