Out With The Old: Arm Bars

Today’s effort to reduce my hoarde of archived pro wrestling photos will feature classic Arm Bars.  These images were found in the pages of those old Wrestle-porn magazines.  Included with each photo is the actual caption that was printed with the photo so you can see how the writers used provocative language to stir up and arouse their readership.

For example, Jesse the “Body” stands with his kneeling victim’s arm near his crotch and the caption notes that he “enjoys” this advantage — as if he’s gotten a boner or something.

The fact that the victim’s straight, stiff arm is positioned near Ventura’s groinal region alludes to the “enjoyment” that the dominant wrestler is deriving from his position of advantage.

This photo and the one above show a wrestler named “Lyons” trapped in a relentless Jack Brisco armbar.  The Brisco Brothers were known as skilled mat technicians, renowned for their numerous torture holds and ability to dominate thanks to their prowess.

The caption describes the tight coupling and unbreakable union formed between Brisco and Lyons to play off the similarities between wrestling and sex.  No matter how Lyons “twists (left) and turns (above),” he can’t separate from Brisco’s hold.  A rape scenario is implied.

Hairy chested Nick Bockwinkle was the subject of many photos and suggestive captions in the old mags, maybe because he was so sexy.  Above we’re told that Bock is making his opponent actually “moan” and below he “writhes” his body “desperately” as if he’s being fucked by Brunzell.  Real man Nick hadn’t counted on this type of “action!” (sexual reference.)

Bruiser inflicts a painful Armbar to give his opponent something to “remember him by” as if they’re parting lovers. As if that little ache or pain felt the next afternoon will remind the victim of the night before and what was done to his body by his rough mate.  Perhaps you know the feeling.

Confession of a hoarder: I actually have hundreds more Arm Bar photos in my archives — some with captions, some without, some in color, some B&W. I could probably post galleries for weeks showing nothing but Arm Bars, but some readers would get bored by the repetition (but I wouldn’t — I love a nice basic arm wringer which is why I keep saving and salvaging these images.)

I’m not sure what the caption under this Mexican wrestling photo says, but I bet it’s something colorful and exciting.

The image shows Dusty Rhodes in control of a hairy hunk, but the caption depicts him as a weepy, powerless bitch.

The colorful caption beneath this bloody image of Rhodes and Funk uses violent imagery to titillate the reader:  “spilled blood and broken bones,” “a pre-bout attack.”

Prurient brutality and violence can be arousing to some readers, and this magazine is willing to push those particular buttons.  Rhodes is not simply applying a hold,  he “injures Funk’s wrist” in revenge for an earlier incident.

This odd caption implies a gay attraction between Ray Stevens and young Sammartino Junior. Stevens, we’re told, has always “despised” this rookie’s big hairy dad.  But he immediately takes a shine to the cute kid, showing a “peculiar (aka queer) brand of admiration.”  Stevens apparently outed himself in a “revealing discussion.”

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