Play Time

Titus O'Neill has zero defense against Wyatt's DDT move.

Yesterday I wrote about Strowman’s domination over a totally out-matched Curtis Axel.  Here are some animations  I found of Strowman’s entire goony family — the Wyatts — beating up the shirtless and helpless Primetime Playaz, starting with a face spike for Titus.

Strowman drops Darren Young dangerously off the edge of the ring.

I just love Braun Strowman’s unusual sleeperhold where he embraces the other man around the neck and smothers him out.  Here he uses it on Darren Young, causing the Playa to collapse to the floor like a discarded ragdoll.  Now Titus is out-numbered!

Big Titus is broken against the ringside fence.

Titus O’Neill is such a big, powerful looking stud, so it’s always fun to see him beaten into floppy helplessness by fat goons like the Wyatts.  Here they whip him around ringside like a 1980’s jobber.  We also see his choked-out partner still laying in a broken heap on the floor.

Wyatt uses his humiliating finisher on the more powerful of the Playaz.

Wyatt inflicts his deadly Sister Abigail move, first kissing Titus on the forehead like he always does, then Whip-Spiking the dude into submission.  Usually the weaker Face partner would suffer this fate, but the Wyatts show off their power by kissing and defeating the larger Playa — Titus.

Big Rowen easily whips Young around like a toy.

Here is a different encounter between the Wyatts and the Playaz.  Again we see the Heels in full clothing and the Baby-Faces wearing nothing but trunks.  This is an on-going trend in the WWE — shirts against skins — to emphasize the superior power of the clothed Heels.

A huge Body-Slam renders Young helpless.

I’m not sure why I enjoy seeing the Playaz manhandled like this.  I think it has something to do with them being so buff and perfect looking, so it feels wrong for fat, bearded goons like these creepy Wyatts to over-power and humiliate them.

Now THAT is just cruel and unusual punishment!

Big Rowen just jumps up in the air and drives his knees (and fully body weight) directly into Young’s stomach to crush him.  And Young just lays there defenseless, allowing the big man to do that to him.  The Wyatt’s really seem to have this team’s number!

A Skull Crusher leaves Young cringing in pain.

I like this move where big Rowen just presses his knuckles into Young’s temples to try to crush his skull.  It’s like a Super-Villain torturing the hero in a comic book or something — a great demonstration of raw, brute power over helpless agony.

Even Titus is no match for a combined assault from the Wyatts.

One might expect Titus O’Neill to fare better against these Wyatt’s once he finally tagged his partner and took over in the ring, but Titus is also used and abused just as badly as Darren Young was, knocked on his ass by Rowen’s clubbing Clothesline!

There is no escape from this devastating sleeper move.

Earlier we saw Titus O’Neill suffer a “Sister Abigail” by Bray Wyatt.  Now, big Titus is the victim of Strowman’s unusual Hug Sleeper.  It seems as if the Wyatts are deliberately selecting the larger O’Neill (rather than smaller  Darren Young) for their finishers to make themselves seem even more dominant and unbeatable.

When you’ve watched as much pro wrestling for as many years as I have, it’s not often they can show you a hot new Finishing Hold you haven’t seen hundreds of times already.  After all, there are only so many ways a man can hurt another man in a sexy, suggestive manner.  But Braun Strowman’s “Blood Sleeper” is a new one on me and I love watching him apply it.  His embrace combines a Sleeperhold with a Bearhug — two of the most erotic holds ever invented.  The fact that it knocks the victim out cold, slowly sapping him of his strength and leaving him drained and helpless, makes it a pleasure every time I see it used.  I hope nobody ever figures out how to escape it — I’m talking to you, Cena.

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