Buck Up

Gullible chump falls for one of the oldest tricks in wrestling.

I just love the Young Bucks tag team, especially when they’re wearing matching sexy tights and acting like dickhead bullies — which is every match always.  Here they use their sketchy tactics against a pair of bookend Baby-Faces wearing tank tops known as the Tate Twins.

KAPOW! Lights out, bitch!

The Young Buck scurries between the Tate Twin’s legs, then drops him with a surprise Super-Kick to the jaw.

The Young Bucks always love to Super-Kick, and I always love watching them do it.

The Bucks operate like a well-oiled machine!

One Buck splashes down to knock the wind out of the Tate, then quickly gets out of the way so the other Buck can do the same thing.  These Young Bucks may not be actual twins, but they prove to be more in sync and better coordinated than the twins they’re wrestling!

Just let them both in the ring! Their moves are too cool to split them up.

Next they synchronize their Super-Kicks just right to knock the little birdie right out of the air.  They know just how to perfectly balance hot, flashy domination with insulting crudeness to make us love them and hate them at the same time.

Cheat all you want, boys. We love it!

God the Bucks are so damn cruel to these Tate chumps!  One Buck restrains the jobber so the other can snap his skinny neck with this beautiful flippy move.  I wonder if the Tate Twins would fare better if they’d wear traditional wrestling gear instead of street clothes.

The beaten man is ordered to "Suck it!"

The Young Buck’s cockiness is off the charts.  He knocks the smaller guy flat onto his back and then makes a sexually suggestive gesture in the dude’s face.  Nobody has more fun in the ring than these Young Bucks — I love it.

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