
Bee1I did a double-take when viewing this match, posted recently to the Richard Land channel.  One of the Killer Bees — Jim Brunzell — has been replaced by Special Delivery Jones at this 1987 WWF show in Ontario.

The commentators explain that Brunzell has the flu, but this still raises several questions in my thoughts.  Couldn’t Brian Blair find anyone other than than jobber S.D. Jones to fill in?  Jones was a perennial loser, so it does not bode well for Blair to be paired with him.

Also why was it necessary for Jones to wear the trademark bee-striped trunks instead of his own gear?  Those may even be a pair of Brunzell’s trunks that Jones has taken for his own use (and may be thinking of keeping.)  We get the sense that Jones is trying to come between the Killer Bees — to replace Brunzell on the team and steal Blair for himself — to convince Blair to never go back to Brunzell.  It’s as if Brunzell is being cuckolded by Jones.

Bee2Bee3The opponents are Demolition, wearing their butch leather harnesses.  Those costumes made them most blatantly gay team of the 1980’s, way ahead of their time.

According to a Reddit discussion exploring the history of the leather scene, in the days when many gays had to live in the closet, clothing items were worn as under-the-radar signals to other gays.  A leather harness said: I like dudes, and I like it rough.  So I’ve always found it bizarre that WWF, on a mainstream televised program during the conservative 1980’s, featured these icons of gay culture and proud proponents of transgressive sexual behavior right there in plain sight on our televisions!

leathermenThe commentators calling this match seem to be into the leather scene, verbally swooning over these kinky costumes:

Take a look at THIS!  What an awesome sight these two are coming into the ring.  That headgear and everything that they have on.

Look at the awesome attire of Demolition.  Both of these humongous individuals have incredible power…”  (Take it easy, Gorilla.)

A harness is a "love handle" to grab onto so you can really go to town.

A harness is a “love handle” to grab onto so you can really go to town.

Here are some reasons cited in the Reddit article that guys (including apparently the members of Demolition) get off on leather harnesses:

  • If a guy straps on his harness, he’s basically saying “we’re gonna fuck” which would logically inflame sexual desire.
  • The leather scene is traditionally masculine and that ruggedness is attractive to a lot of people.
  • A harness is revealing, but still a sort of “clothing” so there’s a naughty/playful aspect to wearing something that doesn’t cover much up.
  • Besides the appealing smell of leather and the really “intense” masculine look, I like the constant snugness on my body and the way the leather feels when it moves around a bit.

If you're into the leather scene, you're into rulebreaking.

If you’re into the leather scene, you’re into rulebreaking.

Early in the match, the Killer Bees — or one Bee plus one Wanne-Bee — run rampant.  The tide turns when Blair suffers an illegal boot to the back from the Heel outside the ropes.  Blair will then go on to suffer all sorts of demolition from the sadistic Leathermen, who, we understand from their clothing, get their jollies from hurting guys.

The story of the match is that S.D. Jones is no substitute for the absent Brunzell. Blair is soon struggling because his relationship with Jones is not as strong as the bond between the Bees.  Jones is presented as a sorry substitute.  The commentators even mention that the Bees won’t be able to trade places in the ring to fool their opponents because Jones doesn’t resemble Blair as closely as the missing Bee.


Don't be such an idiot, Jones!

Don’t be such an idiot, Jones!

Jones continues to fuck up, foolishly entering the ring which distracts the ref so the Leathermen can punish Blair’s belly.  Certainly Brunzell wouldn’t be such a gullible chump.

We get the sense that Blair is missing his partner, his successful male bond, the ideal relationship in pro wrestling.


Demolition use Blair as a fuck-toy.

Demolition use Blair as a fuck-toy.

The commentators verbally degrade S.D. Jones to scapegoat him further — to ensure we perceive Jones as ineffective at replacing Brunzell.  They refer to Jones as a “Bumble Bee” instead of a “Honey Bee.”

Demolition act out their bondage fetishes by frequently choking Blair throughout the match, controlling his breath as a form of kinky play.  For example, they trap Blair in their corner and wrap the tag rope around his throat to use it as a garotte.  I hope poor Blair has a Safe Word!



AGAIN Jones acts like a fool and nearly gets his partner killed.

AGAIN Jones acts like a fool and nearly gets his partner killed.

The Killer Bees lose the match and S.D. Jones takes the blame:

If we had B. Brian in there with Jumpin’ Jim Brunzell, things like that would not have happened — I don’t want to take any credit away from Special Delivery.

So S.D. Jones failed to take Brunzell’s place on the team — to steal Blair away from Brunzell.  I assume he will need to return those bee-striped trunks, hopefully after washing them.    His physical and verbal degradation, his emasculation and failure, is outrageous (and kind of exciting to witness…)

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