Fire Fighters

2onZ1The latest batch of videos posted to the Wrestler4Hire website included a stunning Two-Against-One scenario: Ethan Andrews and Dr. X working together against Z-Man.

I love Two-Against-One action and want to coax more of it from our Underground Wrestling providers so of course this match gets blogged.

I could beat him up too if somebody held him for me.

THAT will teach you to try to make money by looking hot and showing off your body.

The Bad Guys wear black as they should, with the diabolical Dr. X in a sinister mask.  Cruel Ethan wrapped his fists in tape to render his punches even stiffer.

Z-Man started the scene in a fireman costume — fireproof pants, heavy coat, etc. (you will see articles of his clothing strewn about the ring.)  In fact, he was strip-teasing when the bullies showed up to rip off his gear and take him down a peg.  They claim they need to punish him for some vague disrespect he showed earlier, but really they just want to punish him because he’s gorgeous, and I can respect that.


With arms and legs held, how is he supposed to defend himself?!

With his arms and legs held, how is he supposed to defend himself?!

After numerous matches at all the Underground companies, this Ethan kid is developing into a wonderful Heel.  He is relentless, trash-talkie, and deviously clever in design and execution of torture holds.

Beginning back in 2012, I’ve written about several of Ethan’s prior matches which often involve Two-on-One or Tag Team action.  Ethan is not the biggest dude on the scene, and most of his victims are quite swole, so they often justify his dominance by giving him a helper like Dr. X.


Gutshots hurt twice as bad when you're all stretched out.

Gutshots hurt twice as bad when you’re all stretched out.

The mysterious (and well-built) Dr. X remains silent throughout the match.  So Ethan drives the verbal commentary, which makes him appear to be the sadistic Mastermind — the evil Riddler instructing his henchman to punish the Hero.

Speaking of the Hero, Z-Man has also perfected his craft as the notches on his jobber belt increase over the years.  Check him out, bent across Ethan’s knee, his hard abs exposed, his arms limp, his rib-cage looking fragile — this is A+ selling.

2onZ72onZ6I love it when they trap the Hero (such as when Dr. X applies the above Seated Body-Scissor) and the evil boss grabs the helpless dude’s face or hair and trash-talks quietly and calmly in his ear.  It makes the evil boss seem so powerful and in control but for unfair reasons, what a rush!

Later the villains split the Z-Man on the ropes, leaving his stomach, nutsack, inner-thighs, and handsome face utterly vulnerable.  Z-Man is a trooper, remaining in Helpless Position willingly, his arms draped on the top rope where they will be of no use in defending himself.

The brutes then kick and Shoulder-Tackle their helpless toy, and Z-Man sells it perfectly.

A true Heel just can't help himself when he sees his prey in that position.

A true Heel just can’t help himself when he sees his prey in that position.

So this was a another Thumbs-up match from Wrestler4Hire once they got around to the actual rasslin.  All three participants knew their roles and delivered solid performances while looking stunning in their revealing gear.

There were a few moments where they tried complex, dangerous moves beyond their current skill-sets which then looked a bit clumsy in delivery, but I appreciate their ambition in trying to give us a great match.  I certainly won’t be cancelling my Wrestler4Hire membership any time soon if they keep delivering action like this.


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3 Responses to Fire Fighters

  1. swim10lift3 says:

    It’s always so hot when a musclekid gets punished much harder than necessary “just because.” Especially in a case like this when the Z-Man wasn’t even scheduled to wrestle but was just practicing his dance moves. The fact that his muscularity is PERFECT for being spread, split and shown in every which direction makes it even hotter – do his pecs EVER not looked flared up and asking for it? A great match indeed.

  2. swim10lift3 says:

    BG did an excellent variation on this where Rio Garza is working out on the machines and Jagaur comes in and starts attacking his pecs for no good reason. Then he’s thrown onto the mats for more chest abuse, targeted there over and over. A great muscleboy vs. brute punishment for no reason. Hot.

  3. alphamale destroyer says:

    I love his doom but it´s a shame his genitalia was not hurt =(