Tiger Mask: The Defeat of Ken (Part 1 of 3)

My favorite episode of the Tiger Mask cartoon is undoubtedly Episode #101 — The Defeat of Ken. (In Italian, it’s “La sconfitta di Ken“.)

Tiger Mask’s handsome pal Ken is, for some reason, forced to wrestle the most dominant and deadly fighter in the world, a man in a white bodysuit and tiger mask called the Great Tiger.  Right from the beginning of the match, where we see pathetic shirtless Ken framed between the Great Tiger’s strong legs and looking up at him in awe, we know this is going to be one painful beat-down for the Baby-face.  It actually becomes far more violent and brutal and bloody than I ever imagined or would expect in a cartoon supposedly geared to children.  It starts off with some sadistic choking and gets more violent and shocking from there…

Tiger Mask’s relationship with Ken is a bit of a mystery to me, probably because I can’t understand the dialog.  They seem to really dig each other — Tiger Mask is clearly angry and perturbed when he sees Ken in pain — but judging from body language, they may be having a spat or lover’s quarrel at this point in the story.  Tiger Mask is faithfully in his buddy’s corner where he witnesses the brutality and punishment, but will not lend a hand to help his friend win.

We see the Great Tiger, meanwhile, attack Ken’s genitals with a knee to the groin, then a crotch slam on the top rope.  This weakens and emasculates Ken (so the Great Tiger can dominate him), but it seems to me it also is meant to hurt Tiger Mask. The show is all about Tiger Mask and his situation and feelings, after all.   If Tiger Mask and Ken are more to each other than just pals, if there is some romantic relationship there, wouldn’t the destruction of Ken’s manhood thereby ruin the relationship and take pleasure away from Tiger Mask?  Is this illegal ball-shot on Ken, and Tiger Mask’s outraged reaction, meant to imply a secret sexual bond between them? Is the Great Tiger actually trying to ruin Tiger Mask’s lover?

As you can see, the drawings are artful and well-drawn and Ken’s poses of suffering, his weakness and helplessness, his pained expressions are depicted beautifully.  Many of my pro wrestling buttons are pushed by this match, so clearly the cartoonists understand ring psychology.  Some of the enjoyable pro wrestling tropes depicted in this match include:

  • Partner outside the ring, forced to watch but unable to assist
  • Shirtless (vulnerable) man against fully clothed (protected) wrestler
  • Man against beast (or costume of a beast)
  • One-sided domination of good-looking shirtless man
  • Muscle man depleted and limp, body sagging and strength drained
  • Stealing/copying another wrestler’s gimmick — identical masks
  • Dirty moves such as groin shots and hair pulling

You can watch Part 1 of this match on YouTube, but the dialogue is in Italian.

To be continued…

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One Response to Tiger Mask: The Defeat of Ken (Part 1 of 3)

  1. KIM says:

    GREAT! detailed and lovely posting! thank you. but that youtube stopped by copyright