The Tag Team battle between Tiger Mask and his partner Sakaguchi against the ruthless Outlaws continues. Tiger Mask has tagged in his partner, and the villains take advantage of the weaker man, working together to subdue and emasculate him…
As the Outlaws continue their nasty cheating, Double-Teaming poor Sakaguchi, we get a look at the outraged crowd. We see that they’re all men in the audience. Is this meant to imply that only men attend due to the graphic violence and brutality enacted in this particular federation? Are women and children considered somehow out of place or inappropriate in this crowd given the behavior and nastiness in the ring? Or does the cartoonist not wish to include women in the dynamic at all, to deny them a seat in the arena, instead focusing only on the reaction of men to the cruelty inflicted by men?
Also we see the faces of the men are contorted and enraged, clearly affected by what they’re witnessing. Does this imply that the passions of the men are being stirred up by the wrestling action? Is the viewer meant to understand that it’s quite normal for men to attend wrestling and to become emotionally aroused by the action in the ring — the bodies on display and the violence inflicted on them?
The Outlaws use a humiliating attack on their victim, injuring him where it hurts most by smashing his balls against the ring post to destroy his masculinity. (This is a classic Heel maneuver, always fun to see.)
We saw a similar attack — some nut-busting low blows — used on Tiger Mask’s friend in our review of The Defeat of Ken. It is an interesting coincidence that any man whom Tiger Mask creates a relationship with is emasculated in this way — his testicles crushed by the villains. Similar dirty tactics are never employed on Tiger Mask himself. As the hero, he is thereby made to appear more masculine and virile in contrast the destruction of his partners’ sexual potential.
Tiger Mask’s partner is also emasculated by needing to be rescued, like a damsel in distress. It is up to Tiger Mask to get in the ring (after waiting for a legal tag) and find the strength to defeat both Outlaws, which he accomplishes using his deadly Torture Rack move known as the “Ultimate Tiger Breaker.”
As Tiger Mask raises his arms in victory, the cartoonist showed us a metaphorical exploding volcano in the background. I suppose this represents the tension and excitement from the Tag Team match being released in a climactic eruption. Tiger Mask’s potency and masculinity are implied by showing him in front of the violently erupting volcano — far more powerful and devastating that the Outlaws little toy guns.
Poor bulging, hunky jobber, Sakaguchi. His bulging manhood is targeted and maliciously punished over and over again by those sado-masochistic heels; The Outlaws. As each of the big, bad heels grips one of Sakaguchi’s ankles and then yanks his limp, muscular body into the corner pole, his big balls and cock take a merciless bashing. I empathize with his excruciatingly painful ‘preDICKament’, but at the same time, by simply thinking about it, my own balls are churning and writhing about in delighted ecstasy. There’s just something about witnessing the emasculation of a muscle giant that REALLY turns me ON…and in a totally primal and visceral way. The OUTLAWS could just as easily be stroking Sakaguchi’s cock or licking his ball sack; I’d be just as aroused. It’s the sexual dichotomy of pain vs. pleasure. Ya’ just gotta’ LOVE nature! ;D
This is pure alpha male lust mutual destruction. and the end comes like a intense orgasm, only alphas can reach that!