Tiger Mask: Wrestling Practice

Episode 80 and Episode 96 of the Tiger Mask anime series feature behind-the-scenes glimpses of Tiger Mask and his tag team partner Ken at practice, perfecting their holds on each other.  After a heart-to-heart confab in the locker room, the handsome partners put on their wrestling gear, get in the ring, and start to wrestle around.   Ken wears his trademark red trunks and boots — which really highlight his strong legs — while Tiger Mask chooses to spar in his mask.

Like so many guys into wrestling, Ken clearly loves a nice tight Body Scissor and can’t wait to grip his partner’s mid-section in his thighs.  Tiger Mask grunts from the pressure and they trade some witty quips (but not understanding Italian, I’m not sure what little comments they’re sharing with each other.)

The revelation that the two men get together and practice wrestling sends a powerful message to the young viewer — that it’s OK for friends to get shirtless and grapple with each other.  Wrestling is not just a competition, as these two handsome devils demonstrate, but can also be used for exercise and recreation.  If Tiger Mask and Ken get together and wrestle around, then probably so do other Tag Team wrestlers, and perhaps other men as well.  How fun!

Body Scissors are generally considered an erotic wrestling hold because they’re about control — trapping the other man and crushing the air out of his body, compressing him into weakness and submission.  The hold represents an embrace, like an embrace between lovers, only the legs are performing the hug rather than the arms. It seems to me that the depiction of Ken scissoring Tiger Mask is meant to signal a physical relationship between the men, meaning they’re more than just business partners.

Generally Tiger Mask is portrayed as the better wrestler and more aggressive fighter, but in their practice sessions, it seems eager young Ken always gains the upper hand and out-wrestles Tiger Mask.  Maybe Tiger Mask is just taking it easy on his pal, allowing Ken to lock on his scissors in order to strengthen his legs and build his confidence.

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One Response to Tiger Mask: Wrestling Practice

  1. Matt Stone says:

    I don’t what it is about the scissor, but it’s pure submission, pain, domination and eroticism all rolled into one. Most dudes have powerful legs and when you wrap them around your opponent, you’re controlling their center of gravity, not to mention their air; squeeze the air out of them and you’re gaining a huge advantage stamina wise. It’s the gateway to other holds and attacks too, if you are sitting from behind, hair pull to a chin lock, or even worse, fish hook the mouth, poor jobbers really pound the mats on that one. Full nelson and push the neck down and forward. Control their breathing even more with a nasty choke or cover their mouth, pinch their nose etc, anything to keep their wind controlled. Worse yet, reach under the arm and slap on a nasty pec claw. Just don’t leave yourself open to attacks like your opponent grinding their elbows into your knees to break the hold, damn that hurts! Either way, the scissors is one of the most effective and hottest holds out there!