A Tumblr page that I follow called “LondonGayWrestler” recently posted a 2:37 video clip showing the closing moments of this classic underground Tag Team match. I definitely recognize this wrestle-porn match because I’m sure I downloaded it and got off to it years ago — I had forgotten how hot it was.
The full length video, produced by Can-Am, was called “Pro Tag Team Sex Battle 1.” It’s still advertised on their web page, but I’m not seeing a link to download it. You can probably find it out there in the pornosphere if you search hard enough.

The larger, beefier guys (Aryx and Brenden) are on the blue team and their smaller jobbers (Landon and Jake) are on the red team. It’s actually a back-and-forth battle for much of the match, with the smaller red team taking control for long stretches — especially over Brenden Cage who, for a big swole Alpha Male type, seems to have some Submissive Jobber in him.

As the match reaches its climax, the teams pair off. Brenden takes ownership of little Jake Lyons with a long-held Sleeper, and Aryx has the pleasure of finishing off muscular Landon Mycles. Then things will become a lot nakeder and X-rated, but that part of the video does not appear in the clip on Tumblr (of course the Algorithm would never permit that.)

I’m going to re-mix this match a bit to make it appear as if Landon is double-teamed after Jake was put to sleep. I enjoy the thought of a two-on-one scenario occurring after one partner has been sleepered out (but full disclosure: the double-teaming seen below actually happened earlier in the match when Jake was awake but totally useless outside the ropes.)

Damn I just love Tag Team wrestling and all the injustice and naughty unfairness that it presents — especially when the underground porn companies perform it. More of this, please!

Then Aryx decided to finish off Landon with this absolutely amazing face-to-face Sleeper variation, with the victim sort of hugging his master around the waist. The hottest moment for me — even hotter than the more explicit sex acts that occur after the match — was this erotic kiss by Aryx just before dumping his helpless victim to the mat.

I realize that other wrestle-porn producers, notably Muscleboy Wrestling, now feature plenty of in-match kissing, but wow, Can-Am surely was ahead of their time with this Sweet Dreams send off by Aryx. It sure blew my mind when he did that!
Then things escalate and wrestling is no longer the primary objective. But what a great match, I thank LondonGayWrestler for re-posting this clip and reminding me of this remarkable Tag Team bout. Here is how Can-Am hypes this video on their website (and I agree with every word of it…)
It`s very hot and satisfying. This is one of Boss Sexton`s best. Get this one. You won`t be disappointed, and your dicks will thank you profusely.

Have to agree with you about the face-to-face sleeper. It’s one of the hottest, yet underrated holds in wrestling, regardless of the type one loves to watch (pro, underground, or something else).
Aryx is so hot and the final kiss-of-death sleeper is incredible. What I wouldn’t give to be on the receiving end of that! Terrific charisma in this gallery.
Brendan Cage is so manly and hot that deserves a lot of pain, degradation, doom and ruin
One of my favorites from Can-Am! That final sleeper on Jake Lyons gets me every time!