Got Chemistry?

Certain people have “chemistry” with one another — they just work well together.  They understand each other’s attitude and philosophy, fall into a comfortable Alpha-Beta pecking order, and their smooth interactions are a pleasure to watch.

Two such people with great chemistry are The Miz and Evan Bourne.  The Miz brings his in-your-face “I’m Awesome” attitude, and Bourne is so darn humble and eager to please, that you just know the Miz is going to walk all over this poor lap-dog.  And after each humbling beat-down, young Evan keeps crawling back for more abuse from Miz.

The Miz is always cocky and rough, but whenever he’s mopping up the canvas with Evan Bourne, he seems to bring extra helpings of brutality and arrogance.  He thrives on having a chump to bully.

Bourne is like that slightly nerdy kid in High School who wants to be in the cool crowd, so he shadows the jocks and permits them to pick on him, setting himself up for ridicule and humiliation by the cool Quarterback every day.  Maybe he enjoys being bullied — or maybe he likes the attention of the Quarterback.  The nerd and the Quarterback have chemistry — they both take away some sick pleasure from their abusive interactions — so their dysfunctional relationship continues.

When two wrestlers really click and the fans seem to enjoy the pairing, they face off in the ring as often as possible.  This is what happened to Bourne — thrown in the ring with Miz on many occasions,  each time his arms yanked back in the Camel Clutch until they nearly popped out of their sockets.

Poor Evan kept agreeing to wrestle with the Miz just like the nerd keeps attending the jocks’ parties (even though they beat him up and send him home with a wedgie every time.)

Do these doormats tolerate public humiliation and abuse in order to be around the Alpha Males they envy — or do they derive actual pleasure in being degraded by the cool kid with whom they have chemistry??

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2 Responses to Got Chemistry?

  1. Stay Puft says:

    Hot description of the Miz’ and Bourne’s relationship! It’s that kind of thinking that makes the matches that much more entertaining to watch.

  2. alphamaledestroyer says: