Thanks for Sharing!

To whoever invented YouTube, can I just say “Thanks!”

Here are some screen caps I created recently from a Tag Team match on YouTube featuring this long-haired Baby-Face in stretchy blue trunks.  Is it just me, or does the rich, shiny blue fabric just pop against his pale skin?   As I watch the match unfold, I feel like a kid obsessed with a new video game — unable to turn my attention from the captivating blue form-fitting trunks.

The reason I love YouTube, the reason I want to leave my fortune (if I ever get one) to the guy who invented YouTube, is because there is truly something for everyone to enjoy, and lots of it!

OK, so maybe you don’t like this particular wrestler.  Maybe you think his blue speedo is boring.  Whatever — there are a million other wrestlers on YouTube in every shape and size and color for your enjoyment.

At the risk of sounding like a whiny old geezer, when I grew up, we didn’t have hot pro wrestling available 24/7 at the click of a mouse.  We didn’t have any way to record and preserve the matches so we could watch them later.  You were lucky if you got to enjoy some mat action for an hour on  Saturday morning — and you had better not oversleep or allow your brother to watch cartoons, or you’d miss the whole damn show!!  This extreme lack (of wrestling action) at an early age, followed by this recent over-abundance, this decadent explosion, the exciting bottomless supply of great pro wrestling that’s available now explains my current level of stunned obsession.  I want to see it all.

Maybe it’s just me, and I see what I want to see — but it sure seems like the camera spends a huge percent of the match zoomed in on those amazing blue briefs.

So now I’m wondering if the camera man, like me, is mesmerized by that blue color, or if the wrestler is deliberately putting his backside on display, presenting himself for our inspection and enjoyment.

Maybe they’re working together (the curious camera-man and the show-off wrestler) in some kind of sick conspiracy to tease me and make me go crazy.  Whatever, I’m OK with that.

In yesterday’s post, my partner D.W. talked about how tights look better on some wrestlers — especially Doughboys.  OK, that may be true — but this gallery is my rebuttal that jockey-style trunks can be fun to look at as well.

Here is another match I saw on YouTube a few minutes later.  Is this guy serious — wearing those little yellow briefs into the ring?

He is taking a huge risk just walking around in those little undies, but then he bends over and spreads his legs all over tarnation, practically begging us to inspect him and risking a wardrobe malfunction at any moment!

So my point is, maybe you didn’t care for the first wrestler, above.  Maybe his hair is too long or trunks too blue.  With the click of the mouse, you can be on to this grappler with his buzzed hair and snug yellow bikini for your viewing pleasure.  Truly YouTube caters to all tastes, and some of you wrestling fans out there who posted these matches have GREAT taste in wrestlers and gear.

And how else would we ever have seen these rare and exciting Indy matches from some jerkwater town if someone hadn’t filmed them and posted them on my beloved YouTube for everyone around the world to view and enjoy for free?!  If you went to a wrestling show at your local high school, church basement, tavern, or VFW hall and you have some footage of hot Indy wrestling, don’t be shy about posting it on YouTube.  If you enjoy watching it, odds are so will someone else (maybe me!)

Don’t worry that the wrestlers aren’t buff enough or well-known enough, or talented enough, because everyone has unique tastes and someone out in YouTube land will enjoy watching it.  Novelty is itself exciting.  Don’t worry that the action isn’t innovative or creative enough — if the wrestler is clad in gear similar to these yellow briefs, I’m all eyes.  Clearly there can never be too much pro wrestling.

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3 Responses to Thanks for Sharing!

  1. MIKE says:

    I agree. These are definitely a couple of HOT “WRESTLING ARSES” for Wrestling ARSEnal’s audience to ogle; with their mouths open and their tongues hang in’ out!

  2. RayAtL says:

    It seems like, just this year alone, the amount of hot wrestling action on YouTube has grown by leaps and bounds. There are so many small and Indy “leagues” out there trying to make a name for themselves and throwing their stuff up on YouTube. Some are poorly presented and filmed, but many come close to hitting it right out of the park with fantastic action and hot, hot guys from all the US and the world.
    I remember the days of the NWA and then WCW on the TBS Superstation, AWA on ESPN (which solidified my wet dreams about Nick Bockwinkel) and then the Atlanta area had a “block” of Indy wrestling on Saturday nights for awhile in the 80s-90s… But classic wrestling or filmed last week is all on YouTube and it’s an embarrassment of riches in this modern age.

    YouTube makes wading thru ‘Monday Nite Raw’ irrelevant to me (though the Cena/DelRio match you highlighted recently looked way hot….)

  3. simon says:

    With Xmas coming up, i wonder if Santa will deliver the lovely guy in the yellow trunks to me for Xmas day!