Wrestling = Porn

Pro wrestling is similar to pornography in that both forms of entertainment are visual spectacles — a performance.  The viewer understands that the action is being staged solely for entertainment, not real, not meant to convey information or dramatize a complex plotline.

Most people watch wrestling for the enjoyment of the spectacle, not to see who the winner will be as with other sports.  This makes wrestling more like pornography than a true sport, with fantastic interactions meant to be watched for fun and excitement.

Other combat sports involve true fighting and are therefore more akin to real sex, but pro wrestling and porn, most people understand, are both fantasy shows. The viewer just wishes it was all real…

The actions and behaviors in both wrestling matches and pornos are ritualized — the participants strike rec0gnizable poses or act out easily interpreted scenes that convey their level of power and control.

Both pro wrestling and porn also express, through their rituals, the concept of male power.  Unlike other forms of entertainment like Sit-Coms and Reality TV, wrestling and pornography are both focused on domination and submission.

The Other, the loser, the female is seen being degraded, deserves to be humiliated and used, by the strong, tough, masculine, or sexually proficient male.  The “Bitch” is always violated.  Macho men are on top and rule the universe in both pro wrestling and pornography.

Wrestling and porn both present the viewer with a Fantasyland of abundance and plenty.  Naked flesh is everywhere and easy to see and access.  Everybody in this Adult Playland says “Yes” to a challenge or invitation (or they may say “No” at first but actually mean “Yes.”)

Rules and constraints are thrown out the window.  Lines are crossed with regularity — which is exciting to see. Taboos against violence and/or public displays of affection are violated all over the place.

Both wrestling and porn exaggerate the physical attributes of the participants. The bodies and body parts are “fetishized.” Size matters here.

The intention is to show men in the audience the ideal male — strong, huge, hard, and muscular.

The effectiveness of the dominant male is also exaggerated in both pro wrestling and pornography.  There is much gnashing of teeth, uncontrollable moaning, and intense emotion acted out by the recipient of the dominant male’s attentions.  The sublime feelings of pain or pleasure are over-whelming to the recipient, as verified by all the screaming.

Many men are uncertain about their effectiveness — their ability to dominate or inflict pain or pleasure.  Pro wrestling and porn both demonstrate for the viewer the Perfectly Effective Man — every action he takes results in a loud, dramatic response from his partner/victim.  Every move works well and absolutely rocks the world of the recipient.

The strange thing about pro wrestling, compared to other forms of pornography, is that it’s right out in the open.  It’s broadcast almost every day of the week on TV.  You can go see it live, acted out in an arena or high school gym in your neighborhood.  (I suppose there are live sex shows you can go see as well, but pro wrestling is more common and probably cheaper to get in…)

Most porn is hidden under a mattress, or in the back room of the video rental store behind closed doors, or requires a password and proof of age.  Pro wrestling is much more accessible, thankfully!

Oh yeah — also both pro wrestling and pornography are a turn-on to watch…

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