Sadistic Strong

Steve Strong was a massive, muscular, mean Heel from the Big 80’s.  He was also known as Billie Jack Strong, Steve DiSalvo, and the Minotaur.  His nickname was “Sadistic” Steve Strong which implied that he was into hurting other men — that he was turned on by inflicting pain.

This article from “Championship Wrestling” magazine (May 1987 issue) provides more seedy details about his sadistic nature and the arousal he feels from inflicting pain.  Right under the title, the by-line explains “Wrestling’s newest sadist delights in torturing his opponent.” Whew, let me catch my breath here.  Combining that huge, powerful body with a sadistic punishing attitude is an exciting, brutal squash just waiting to happen. But who do we want to see as his masochistic victim?

As usual, the writer uses colorful language meant to titillate the reader and imply sexual deviance by the Heel:

  • “sheer delight he takes in watching his helpless opponents scream in pain”
  • “just for the fun he would have hearing his aversaries’ bones crack”
  • “Just hearing my opponent’s neck snapping like a chicken sends goosebumps all over me.”

The Baby-Face hero of the day was Rick Martel, a dark-haired, thick-bodied, hairy-chested, white-toothed, fresh-faced Canadian super-star and Champion.  This evil “Sadistic” Steve Strong is a living, breathing threat to poor young Ricky — a freight train ready to drive over the pretty-boy’s body tied down to the tracks.

We read this article and the snarling threats by the perverted monster, and we want to rescue the Champ, to warn him of his impending doom.  “He is a sadist, Ricky — he enjoys hurting men.  Please don’t get in the ring with this monster!”  Yes, this is what good Pro Wrestling magazine writing was all about — an unstoppable threat on a collision course with a clueless hero.  It sure had its effects on this young reader…

Steve Strong is yet another classic Heel who, according to the magazines, “liked to hurt people.”  And according to the article, the people he really wanted to hurt most were the popular and beloved Rick, Ric, and Nick. (as in Martel, Flair, and Bockwinkel).    That the fans’ favorite wrestlers had to face off with and inevitably take a beating from this cruel monster felt like an outrage to the viewing audience, a violation of their heroes’ greatness.  The magazine writer had us just where he wanted us.

Here are scans of the actual magazine pages if you want to check out the entire article rather than my summary:

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5 Responses to Sadistic Strong

  1. GAZZA says:

    wow i love watching steve strong vs abdullah

  2. Stay Puft says:

    LOVE Steve Strong! (But never saw him on the receiving end of the matches enough as far as I was concerned!)

  3. swim10gym3 says:

    Those wrestling magazines of the late 70’s/early 80’s were my teenage porn. Bob Backlund was my hero, and seeing pictures of him shirtless and confident, then suffering fueled me so hard! Of course it was a “sports” magazine so there was no guilt about enjoying it. But I KNEW it was more than that somehow, way out there in Oklahoma City with just the Saturday morning 1-hour program. Today you have cable shows with a dozen federations every night and internet access. But those days when you had to WAIT for it and look forward to the magazines to come out, just somehow made it so much better.

    Hey kids — get off my lawn!

  4. swim10gym3 says:

    The contrast of the chests of Strong and the Butcher is so hot! Muscle manhandled by bulk.

  5. Bruno says:

    I had this issue of Championship Wrestling magazine as a teenager and I remember this story very well. Love that pic of Strong where he’s about to club Martel! Yeah, magazines like this were my teenage porn too. And like regular porn, I used to hide my stash in a secret place. 😉