Crazy Americans, 3 of 3

Clad in the Stars and Stripes, the Gringos VIP love to degrade and humiliate their opponents down in Mexico like an invading army, often breaking the rules to gain the advantage, and then trying to tear off the sacred masks of their out-matched Mexican victims.

Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo, and Gringo Loco are relentless when it comes to punishing their hapless Mexican victims.

The Mexican fans are beginning to wonder if anyone can defeat these cocky invaders and restore the pride and confidence of La Raza.  Who will rise up to avenge the oppressed Mexican people and teach these arrogant Gringos a lesson?

A team of Superhero veteran Luchadores was assembled to battle the cocky Gringos.  Black Terry, Dr. Cerebro, and Cerebro Negro joined forces like the Avengers, determined to repel the invading force that was making their people suffer.  The epic battle that ensued, with the Gringos in matching blue tights and the Cerebros in beautiful tie-dye rainbow tights, is available in four parts on YouTube.

I love when you can see the partners in the background, watching with concern and leaning on the ropes as the action unfolds.  Whoever filmed this match provided tons of Outside Partner Eye-Candy which happens to be my favorite kind of sweet.

The match is shot from a single camera positioned just outside the ring ropes. Normally the video quality is annoyingly shaky and blurry, and much of the action is missed when a single hand-held is filming a match.  However, the cinematography for this match is remarkable, with many stunning up-close views of the tights, boots, and beefy bodies of the combatants. You feel like you can reach out and touch those tightly packed spandex tights. The photographer knows what he is doing…

I also dig white wrestling boots as I’ve perhaps mentioned before, and all six Luchadores in this match have chosen to wear clean, white boots up to almost their knees.  Then they get into a bunch of entangled Leglocks, their white boots locked together until you can hardly tell whose leg is whose, and I get all dizzy.  There are many good things about this match, and the twelve tall, shiny white boots are just some of them…

Oh yeah, another great thing about this match, besides the revealing matching tights and white boots, and the excellent camera work and high video quality, is the wrestling.  Instead of a bunch of high-flying moves, these grapplers spend oodles of time entangled down on the mat, their legs inter-locked, their bodies trapped and twisted.  The fans enjoy plenty of long-held holds and intense body contact, if the fans are into that sort of thing…

Sorry if I’m boring you with all these great shots of classic pro wrestling holds, but this Triple Tag Team show-down is a long match (over 30 minutes), and there are many images that I found interesting to look at, so I capped them.  I haven’t seen old-school wrestling done this well in a long time, and all that exposed flesh, spandex, and white leather is fun to gawk at…

Finally, the Gringos unleash their Three-Against-One punishment, kicking, chopping, and punching Black Terry like three drummers beating a single drum. As usual, the audience is outraged by the audacity of the Gringos, mercilessly stomping away with all six of their boots as the veteran suffers at their feet.

I don’t fully understand the rules of Lucha Libre, such as they exist, but I did notice that the ref forced Black Terry’s partners to stay in their corner and watch the triple-teaming as the Gringos went to town on the out-matched man.  How is that even fair??

I usually don’t recommend watching hand-held wrestling videos with no commentary, but in this case, I’ll make an exception.  If you like looking at men in tight wrestling gear applying unusual Lucha Libre holds, if you enjoy good wrestling by six athletes (and a camera man) who all know what the hell they’re doing, you may want to check out these YouTube videos:

  • Los Terribles Cerebros vs. Los Gringos VIP, part 1 of 4 [7:49]
  • Los Terribles Cerebros vs. Los Gringos VIP, part 2 of 4 [7:11]
  • Los Terribles Cerebros vs. Los Gringos VIP, part 3 of 4 [4:26]
  • Los Terribles Cerebros vs. Los Gringos VIP, part 4 of 4 [10:48]

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