Talk Dirty To Me

The Prime Time Players have been a fun tag team to watch for several reasons.  Obviously just the sight of big Titus O’Neil can send shivers down the spine of anyone who loves their wrestlers to be tall, dark, and awesome.  His partner Darren Young brings a sexy cockiness that makes you just love to hate them.  And their manager, Abraham Washington (or “A.W.”) can deliver verbal commentary that is arousing, arrogant, sexually suggestive, and usually pretty comical.

At Money in the Bank on July 15th, the Players wrestled against baby-faces Epico and Primo. I love the look of awe and concern on their faces as they take in the amazing physiques of their rivals, Young and O’Neil.  Primo pats his cousin on the shoulder as if to say: “Good luck, cuz.  It was nice knowing you!”   Priceless.

The bell rings and the Prime Time Players beat down handsome little Epico, and as usual, A.W. began delivering rude comments and encouraging his wrestlers to kick ass, using a headset microphone that is piped into the arena sound system.  The fans are treated to every cocky catchphrase and off-color joke.  For example, when Epico tried to sneak into the ring to save his suffering partner, A.W. said: “Hey Epico — this ain’t Taco Bell.  You can’t come across the border like that!” Kind of racist, but this is pro wrestling — the Heels are supposed to push the envelope for our viewing pleasure.

I must say I’m a fan of the ranting manager if done well, the Boss sadistically ordering his men to inflict more abuse.  His insults add a verbal dimension to the humiliation of the helpless victim — and who doesn’t love a little dirty talk to spice up the action?!  When he tells Titus O’Neil to “Break his back,” I’m feeling all excited and hoping he says it again.

The Players obey their manager and focus on breaking the back of Epico, the Baby-In-Peril.  Titus O’Neil is fond of hoisting Epico up by the crotch and dropping him sideways across a thigh, or ramming his back into the steel post.

The camera adds to the Players sex appeal and masculinity by zooming in on the bulges in their trunks and their strong glutes and thighs.  Their potency is highlighted and made obvious.

The scene almost begins to resemble a sexual assault as Epico is repeatedly lifted by the crotch and carried around like a helpless victim.  His expressions of woeful agony are absolutely breath-taking.

Darren Young simulates a humping motion, bending his knees and thrusting his hips over poor Epico as Primo watches this humiliating rape simulation in frustrated silence.

Meanwhile, A.W. continues to push the envelope of decency with his crude, outrageous statements.  On the July 30th episode of Raw, A.W. crossed the line of decency and political correctness when he said that Titus O’Neil was…

“…like Kobe Bryant at a hotel in Colorado — he’s unstoppable.”

If you’ll recall, Kobe was accused of raping a hotel worker in 2003, which later turned out to be false and Kobe was acquitted.  However, as one Republican Senate hopeful recently learned, people get offended if you make light of rape.

Let me be clear (before the PC Police come after me next) that rape is a horrible crime and not to be laughed about.  I do NOT support A.W.’s comments at all.

That being said, I can understand why A.W. may have made this joke.  The scene is already sexual with big Titus nearly naked, tossing the smaller victim around and groping him.  Drawing a comparison to a rape adds heat to the match by implying this is more than mere wrestling — this is like sex and therefore exciting to watch.

Also, to say Titus is “unstoppable” further alludes to his sexual potency and insatiable appetite. That is exactly what WWE wants us to think about the “Players”, right?  Isn’t that what “Players” are –horny, sexually dominating fuckers?  So A.W. was sticking with the plan to put the Players and their masculinity over with the fans.

Well in case you haven’t heard, A.W.’s crass joke about Kobe unleashed a storm of controversy and WWE had to apologize.  It doesn’t help that Linda McMahon is running for Senate, and her husband’s company is now joking about rape.  So A.W. was fired for his inappropriate joke, which led him to Tweet:

“I’ve offended the wrong people that taught me how to have ATTITUDE It was the #WWE that made me bold and now it has turned it’s back on me. Let this be a lesson to up and coming talent in the WWE don’t try and be great like the Rock or Stone Cold.

WWE isn’t the same… Just be normal shut up and be a yes man so you can collect your check and feel like your special. #SELLOUTS!! I remember a time when the WWE didn’t care about breaking the mold but now everyone is so afraid of their own shadow. #RemeberTheFans   I really do hope Linda wins that election because If not then all of this BS has been for nothing. #GoLinda!!”

Yeah I don’t expect A.W. to be back in the WWE any time soon after that tirade.  The WWE talent are not supposed to associate themselves with Linda’s campaign whatsoever, and this crude Heel manager is now cheering for her to win the election.  I hope the Prime Time Players can continue to be popular without their controversial manager, and I will sure miss all the trash talk and verbal stimulation he provided.

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One Response to Talk Dirty To Me

  1. jedda says:

    I, like the camera, can’t take my eyes off Young’s butt in those trunks! I hope they never change his attire. Meanwhile, I don’t support Washington’s comment either, but there used to be a time when the WWE could turn that kind of controversy around, and use it to strengthen a heel character.