Under Assault

Many of you have experienced technical difficulty accessing this website over the past week, receiving error messages such as “Service Not Available” or “Database Error.”  We apologize for the inconvenience.

To tell you the truth, I don’t know what is happening or why this website is sometimes not accessible.  I have noticed a huge increase in SPAM comments pouring into the “Comment” box at the same time the website started acting up.  Instead of dozens of advertisements and bullshit messages per day that I have to delete, I am now receiving hundreds.  Could this SPAM-bot assault be knocking my website to its knees?

Being a webmaster who is not very tech-savvy sometimes feels like being a wrestling Baby-Face outnumbered in a Tag Team battle.  The opponents have move devastating moves in their arsenal, and there are more of them, and there are never any partners or officials around to help you when your enemies knock you down and kick you.

So now I have disabled comments after 7 days, which means you will have one week to leave a comment on one of my articles after it is posted, then the comments shut down to minimize the SPAM attacks.  Please comment early and often within that 7-day period that the comment window is open.

Hopefully this will solve the problem.  Hopefully the Baby-Face hero can fight back and win once in a while.

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3 Responses to Under Assault

  1. JC says:

    Who is the stud in the red trunks of the last pic? More of him!!!!

  2. Stay Puft says:

    I haven’t been able to get into the site in a while, but today I can, so what you’ve done must be working. Thank goodness, I’ve missed you!

  3. MARC says:

    I totally agree with you JC….Who IS the stud in the last pic? Love how his victim on the left, has both his hands on the studs shoulder as if he is Trying to STOP what is about to happen….Then the incredible look on the other guy’s face…..HE know’s he’s in trouble–and he’s definately not looking forward to to it happening…..Great Shot.