East Meets West

A reader of my blog from Korea recently sent me an e-mail praising this blog and talking about his love of pro wrestling.

I love how people on the opposite side of the world can just check out your Blog and shoot you an e-mail.  I love how the internet connects people with similar tastes and interests and enables them to communicate.  I also love the hot artwork he included in his e-mail (at left) featuring a slim jobber in a blue bikini suffering a Suplex inside the steel cage.

What really struck me about his e-mail was how similar wrestling fans are no matter where you go.

The exact same scenarios, tropes, and situations that excite fans on this side of the globe have the same effect on the other side of the globe.

Pro wrestling is universally understood and loved everywhere.

Below is what he said in his e-mail (with the English grammar fixed up a little per his request), so you can see if you think about pro wrestling the same as a Korean fan.  I’ve inserted some images of wrestling from Asia that he linked me to which look just as enticing as any western wrestling images.

“Hi. I’m Kim.

Firstly, forgive my poor English. I’m South Korean.  I read your posts about pro wrestling carefully, and I’m very impressed.  You have a unique and thrilling viewpoint about pro wrestling sexuality that I have never seen before.”

“I love domination in the ring, masked muscle villians, pretty babyfaces in hopeless, sadistic moves and abuse.”

“Shiny long white boots, skimpy ring costumes, it’s all about pretty heroes and powerful villain wrestlers.

And the text of your site suits these fetishes perfectly.

Thank you very much and I await your new post.”

“I love this situation: pretty hero champion trapped by a cruel and lustful villain in a no escape, no foul match.

The hero’s body and pride are destroyed by dirty foul play and sexual abuse on the ring.”

“The hero is already beaten but the villain never finishes him until the poor hero says: “I give up!”

“The almost naked hero resists but it’s hopeless. He is humiliated in front of TV cameras.

Finally the injured hero give ups shamefully, but the mean villain denies the surrender and continues the punishment, again and again.

(Thanks for the message, Kim.  It is nice to know I’m not alone in the world…)

By the way, if you want to see more hot images of pro wrestling from the other side of the world, here are the links he sent me (but they’re not in English, so good luck…)




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2 Responses to East Meets West

  1. GAZZA says:

    wow the guy in the last pic (blue trunks ) is hot 🙂 anyone has any info on him:)

  2. Mat Flexer says:

    I love the aggro Asian wrestlers, full of brutality and skill esp. when they beat up on some muscle.