Bad Attitude

About a week ago, I noticed that CWF Mid-Atlantic had updated their YouTube channel with 75 new videos featuring their recent events and matches!  OH YES! — this is like giving a big bag of blow to a cokehead.  I knew what I’d be doing all weekend…

The one CWF wrestler I was most eager to see was the bearded bad boy — Trevor Lee.  He is just so fuckin brutal and cocky and bulging and dirty and intense in his little black trunks, mmph.   He is not the sort of wrestler (or dude) I would normally favor, so I am a bit surprised by my Trevor Lee cravings.  Normally, I would be more into the prettier wrestlers — more conventionally handsome hunks like Brad Armstrong or Brad Maddox.

For example, I would traditionally focus on Trevor’s opponent, Brad Attitude — shown here applying a Side Headlock in their recently-posted CWF match.

Attitude is a great looking and talented wrestler, I’ve been a fan for years.  But there is just something about Trevor Lee — he brings the rude & raunchy and fucks with my head.

Early in the match, Brad enjoys some Baby Face Shine as he tosses Trevor around and out-wrestles him.  But you can always count on Trevor to do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand.  Soon he is choking Brad the fuck out, stomping on his skull, and clawing at his cute face.  He does things to poor Brad that no sane man would do!  It’s not long before Trevor’s hairy body (which he proudly shows us over and over) is coated in sweat, a sign that he works his spandex-clad ass off in the ring.

Baby-Face Brad, meanwhile, shows us what he’s learned in his many years as a Good Guy: how to sell his suffering like a champ.  He makes it easy for us to believe he is in agony with all his groaning and woe-is-me expressions.

After Trevor beats up Brad for a while, the commentators point out that Trevor could’ve pinned Brad Attitude on at least three different occasions, but instead, he keeps punishing poor Brad.

Much like Mr. Fuji, he likes to make them suffer!

Their intent is to emphasize his sadistic nature and thereby sexualize the match.  The implication is that Trevor receives some level of erotic satisfaction from his vicious moves (such as German-Suplexing the back of Brad’s skull into the corner turnbuckles), and this is both the source of his bad attitude and the secret of his success in the ring.

One of my favorite Trevor Lee attacks (which he also used against Andrew Everett in a previous CWF match I reviewed) is the Football Face Punt.  With his opponent standing at ringside, Trevor stands on the apron, take a few running steps like he’s kicking a Field Goal, then BOOTS the poor guy in the face, swinging his leg extra high as if trying to kick a 50+ yarder.

Lee uses his dreaded Football Face Punt against the unsuspecting Brad Attitude, knocking him out on the floor.  I didn’t capture a good image of this brutal act, but I did capture the aftermath, Brad sprawled out like roadkill on the side of the highway:

Brad eventually gains control late in the match.  Being a flashy show-off, he climbs the ropes to try sky-diving onto Trevor.  That risky bullshit was just what my boy Trev was waiting for!

As Attitude floats and flips through the sky as pretty as a swan, Trevor launches himself like a patriot missile and blasts the pretty-boy right out of the air with a Drop-Kick!  CRUNCH!  Poor Brad lands hard with his broken body sprawled across the ring just begging for more abuse.

Now if you watch this video on YouTube, you will see which man actually won.  But this is my Blog, so I am telling the story my way.

In my version of this match, Brad is unable to recover from the stunning mid-air collision with Trevor’s boots.  Trevor then squats on his face, resting his sweaty black trunks right on Brad’s cute face to pin him and utterly defeat him.

Then Trevor poses over the defeated wimp, emasculating him by flexing his big biceps and showing off his glistening body as Attitude lies broken at his feet.  And then, Trevor drags him up by the hair and the waistband of his trunks…   OK OK, that was enough of my version of how this match ended.  Back to reality…

This match was another impressive outing by the entertaining and alluring Trevor Lee, filled with the brutal tactics, intensity, suspense, and a dose of sex appeal we’ve come to expect from him.  I know I say this about some wrestler at least 3 times a week, but Lee is definitely on my list of favorite wrestlers. I sure hope the CWF Mid-Atlantic federation keeps dishing out their content so generously!

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