The Most Dominant Brute of the Year

A couple days ago, the Ringside at Skull Island blog posted an article called “Juicy” in which he profiled a wrestling video he found online available for download. Upon just glancing at the photos that Joe posted, reading his short but always exciting match description, and knowing the two opponents (Austin Cooper and Lane Hartley), I knew I had to download and watch this video, and blog about it here.

So I surfed over to Cameron’s website where the video is for sale and sure enough, he has posted several downloadable matches — including this amazing Cooper vs Hartley cock-stiffener.  Could this be the start of something huge?  Could the talented, well-trained Cameron be on the cusp of becoming the next great Homoerotic Wrestling Content Producer?  Time will tell, but I love what I see so far…

I hate to be a copy-cat — I avoid describing matches that Ringside or other bloggers have already written up.  But in this case, I was so blown away by the quality and the effect that this Sleeper Squash had on me (and my now-sore dick), that I am making an exception and blogging about it myself in more detail.

The ever-present danger in describing such a well done Fetish Wrestling match is that I tend to snap too many screen captures, and write too many words about what I loved.  Then my readers feel bored by the long article and won’t even download the video.  So today, I culled my images, keeping only half, and I will try to stick to bullet points about the best aspects of this video:

  • Trunks: Austin’s snug-and-bulging green trunks with yellow front, loosely tied drawstring, and the words “Get it on!” printed near his bulge
  • Boots: Lane Hartley’s extra-tall black leather boots, almost up to his knee, make him seem legit and threatening as an ass-kicking Heel
  • Cockiness:  The Cameron Mathews website describes Hartley as “smooth and cocksure” and I can’t say it any better.  He has really developed as a Heel!
  • Contrast:  Cooper portraying an amateur wrestler in his aqua blue Asics against the experienced pro Lane Hartley.  Who will be superior: amateur or pro?
  • Suffering: MuthaFUCK, Cooper is getting so good at what he does!  When he rolls around hurt, he is as pretty and captivating as any wrestler anywhere.
  • Hair: Hartley has these long, douchey bangs, like Pierce Brosnan or Brendan Fraser that he must constantly push out of his face — great look for a Heel.

OK, I can not just stick to bullet points, there is too much I want to say…  I think the moment I totally fell in love with Lane Hartley and decided to name him my Favorite Heel was when he locked his huge black boots around Cooper’s neck to apply a gorgeous Figure Four Headscissor. He flexes on the pressure, then relaxes, then flexes it on again, grinding Austin Cooper into a weakened state.

Those strong legs (which he later refers to as “steel beams”) put Cooper all the way to sleep — the poor victim’s eyes close, his cheeks and lips relax, his powerful arms fall gently to the mat, you get the picture.

You will love this video if you get into Sleeper Fetish scenes, because Cooper gets ragdolled using many Sleeper variations at least six or eight times — and I had to stop the video after every single one…

The Sleeper scenes are enhanced by the old “Check His Arm” gimmick.  This is where someone (in this case, the dominant wrestler) lifts up the sleeping victim’s arm and lets it flop down, limp and impotent, three times to prove the chump is totally out cold.

Repeatedly checking the victim’s arm just prolongs the length of the hold and adds to his humiliation.  Whoever is directing the action in this video (probably Cameron) wisely understood that we fans get into those subtle little displays like the old Arm Check.

Soon Hartley is just toying with Cooper, who offers zero resistance.  I love it when Hartley applies the Cobra Sleeper, entangling his long legs around Cooper’s thick thigh, and just lays against him for a while.

Oh I almost forgot to mention the hot Trash Talk that Lane Hartley delivers to spice up the action (another reason Hartley is now my Favorite Heel.)  In his purring, confident voice, he keeps asking poor Cooper: “You good?  No?” (slaps his chest) “You wanna have more fun?”  (slaps his cheek).  Many of the outrageous (and provocative) statements uttered by Hartley are included in the images I created.

For example, we hear him refer to Austin “beautiful“, “sunshine“, and “sweetheart” to further emasculate him, especially when he’s rubbing his victim’s shoulders roughly to wake him up again (in order to be able to sleeper him out yet again…)   Can anyone explain to me why good-looking jocks always seem to speak with that same clear, confident, smooth tone of voice? Listen to any NFL Quarterback’s interviews and he sounds like a tenor from the local choir or something, why is that?

One side narrative to this fight is that Hartley doesn’t know Cooper, and cocky Austin Cooper refuses to speak his name when they first meet in the ring.  Hartley then complains that his Unknown Opponent has poor manners, and bitches about the rudeness.  Obviously Lane Hartley gives zero fucks about proper manners — he just wants a reason to really torture and humiliate his Nameless Victim.

They go back to the “What is your name?” gimmick several times, with Hartley promising to beat it out of his victim.  I won’t reveal whether Cooper actually ever speaks his name as commanded — you will have to download the video to find that out.

Oh there are also Piledrivers — several really stunning ones that just wipe out poor Cooper.

And I also want to warn you about the pricing strategy for this video.  If you had ordered right away (as I did the minute I found out about this hot match), it cost $17.95.  The price later increased by $3 and will be raised again on October 5th.  So if you want to check this one out (and I highly recommend it), then please go download it TODAY.

I am struggling to keep this description brief because I really dug this match.  Both wrestlers look great and are exceptional at what they do.  Lane Hartley especially got to me — what a skilled Heel — I want to go download everything he has appeared in.  On his website, Cameron refers to Lane Hartley as the “most dominant brute of the year” and I sure won’t dispute that comment — or otherwise risk disrespecting Mr. Hartley because I’ve seen what he does to guys he feels are rude!

The half hour match is loaded with Subtle Little Things that pro wrestling fans dig (like the old Check-His-Arm gimmick, classic holds like the OTK Backbreaker, etc.), so whoever is directing the action (probably Cameron) is a true scholar of ring psychology.

So there you have my “brief” synopsis and recommendation.  I am a very  satisfied customer and looking forward to more great productions by Mr. Cameron.  His blog reports he will be filming more matches in November and I am swooning here.

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