Teasing Us

Yesterday, the Beefcakes of Wrestling blog described the famous John Cena – Randy Orton feud, or fling, or whatever it was.  He featured many images of these two “attractive, well-built men” embracing, attacking, and dominating each other, all in a sexually suggestive manner. You’ve probably seen the images of them nearly knockin’ boots in the ring.

I’ve happened to pick up on the sexual chemistry between these horn-dogs as well, so I decided to partner with the Beefcakes blogger by tagging in and featuring a few of my own “CenTon” love scenes from my archives.

In yesterday’s article, the Beefcakes blogger states that Cena and Orton “knew what they were doing and and decided to have fun by deliberately teasing the audience with their actions.”  Yes I agree, and I will add that they’re also making a ton of money by putting asses in seats.

The same could be said about many of the famous “feuds” in pro wrestling history, which are always loaded with sexual tension and innuendo.

As Kevin Steen once stated: “Homosexual stuff in wrestling gets a better reaction than anything else.  I’ve learned that and used it.  I accepted it a long time ago.”

Clearly Cena and Orton have also accepted this reality — loading up their matches with tons of “homosexual stuff” to titillate and arouse the viewing audience.

I sometimes wonder whose idea it was to really Gay-ify their interactions — more so than the typical softcore gay porn that is pro wrestling.

Did Cena approach Randy in the locker room and say: “Dude, you know what would be really really funny?  If I knelt down and pretended like I was blowin’ you after you drop that elbow on my nutsack!

Or did some slimy old promoter with a big cigar and a Brooklyn accent call Cena and Orton in his office:  “You two wanna be big names in this industry ?!  Ya wanna be more famous than Flair vs. Steamboat?!   Then ya gotta get sexy together…  You understand, like a love scene in a movie.  Hug a lot and gaze in each other eyes — the fans will be eatin’ outta your hands!” (I have a vivid and weird imagination when picturing the backstage area at a wrestling show…)

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