How to Break a Stallion

Somewhere in my on-line travels, I found these images of Paul Roma by the artist known as Romazenk.  He wrote the captions describing each image, which has really made my job easier!

I was always a fan of the ultimate muscle jobber, Paul Roma, especially when he partnered with Jimmy Powers (another White Meat Baby-Face) to form the Tag Team known as the “Young Stallions.”

So it was a nice walk down Memory Lane to find these images of a suffering Roma that Romazenk collected.  But the real icing on the cake are speech balloons and captions that he added to narrate and dramatize the story, with Roma and his tormentors sharing some enticing in-ring conversations.

In writing these captions, the artist plays off the arrogant “stallion” nickname used by Roma, using terms like “showpony” to describe Roma’s arrogant strutting and posing (which is what inspired his opponents to want to hurt him.)  Keeping with the “stallion” theme, the artist depicts the “Young Stallion” being broken like a horse in training.

I have actually featured Romazenk’s artwork in the past on this blog.  Back in May 2013, I posted a series of his “comix” which tell the classic story of the good looking jobber being punished by a vicious Heel or Heels.  Now in revisiting that gallery, I noticed that Romazenk writes really good Trash Talk.

Given that he’s sent me artwork in the past, hopefully he won’t mind me re-posting these Paul Roma torture scenes for more wrestling fans to enjoy…

The ultimate insult for a wrestler who calls himself a “Stallion” is to be ridden around the ring like a plow-horse.  The fact that chubby, out-of-shape Steve Lombardi (who hardly ever won his matches) is riding bareback on the muscular Stallion is even more degrading. They loved to feature Roma being dominated by the wimpiest foes!

Wow, just look at Roma’s body — the Naked Male to Lombardi’s Clothed Male, all sprawled out and helpless, trapped ass-t0-ass underneath the dominant dude!   Romazenk adds further mockery by writing his comments in the vernacular of a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy from a spaghetti western.  He uses terms like “nosiree, ” “giddyup“, and “fun ain’t stoppin’” which somehow pokes fun at Roma’s claim to be a “Stallion” — somehow making his embarrassing predicament seem even more laughable and pathetic.

This is the “mental torture” that Romazenk alluded to in an earlier image.  The result is some especially degrading (and therefore arousing) Trash Talk.

Great job, Romazenk — you should start a blog!

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