It has been a while since we heard from my old friend and fellow wrestling lover BRO (Best Ringside Observer.) Don’t worry, he still gets into wrestling (nobody who gets into wrestling ever stops getting into wrestling) and still attends live shows in his area, along with his trusty camera to capture images of the action to share with us.
At two of the recent events he attended, BRO watched Jason Jordan (with the ripped abs and maroon and silver trunks) wrestle CJ Parker (the tree-hugger with the peace sign on his ass and tall white boots.) Why are they so lucky to be permitted to wrestle each other repeatedly?? Perhaps they’re getting some extra ring time before they’re promoted; in any case, BRO and his camera sure don’t seem to mind watching these two studs go at it again and again!
The Jason Jordan vs. CJ Parker matches all seem to follow a similar narrative arc, beginning with a show of power and dominance by Jordan, the swoler of the two. He is shown out-muscling CJ Parker early in the fight and acting cocky as he beasts CJ all around.
Here we see Jordan applying the old Interrupted Suplex on his dreadlocked boy toy, freezing him in upside-down position to show off his body for the audience. I think BRO just about wore out the button on his camera as he snapped image after image of this display of dominance!
I like this photo of Jason Jordan proudly flexing just after dumping Parker on his ass following that awesome Suspended Suplex. TA DAAA!
Judging from how Jordan turned to face BRO’s camera to strike this cocky pose, I think he’s well aware that he is being photographed, and he is fine with that. He apparently enjoys the attention, peacocking for the camera to ensure BRO gets his money’s worth tonight. You’ve got to love a guy who is willing to put himself on display for you and allow you to gawk at him.
Jordan tries to pin CJ Parker several times, splitting his legs apart in a variety of ways (with BRO getting right in there with his camera to capture the best lighting and angle.)
Given that Jordan has noticed BRO and his camera, one must wonder if he is deliberately positioning his legs and body like this for BRO (and all of us) to enjoy.
The second phase in every match between Parker and Jordan is the utter dominance of the dreadlocked daddy over his submissive muscle-toy. It is time for the cocky dude’s punishment and come-uppance, a standard component in most pro wrestling matches where the Face is a big strong hunk.
Parker suddenly nuts up and goes on the offensive, and Jordan is soon reduced to a crawling, whimpering little muscle-puppy. As the hottie-in-peril, Jordan suddenly becomes very compliant, a life-sized action figure, allowing Parker to place his body in positions meant to both punish and humiliate him.
Parker will next stomp the fuck out of Jordan’s hard mid-section. Those gorgeous white boots seem to figure prominently in all of CJ’s matches against Jordan, the magical equalizer meant to explain how the smaller man is able to dominate the beefy muscleman.
Meanwhile, if Jordan is going to play a Baby-Face (and that is the direction his career seems to be moving), then he needs to learn how to suffer perfectly. Parker and his relentless boots offer JJ many opportunities to sell his pain, writhe around in agony, scrunch up his face like he was just electrocuted, and generally allow his hard body to appear weak and floppy.
The final chapter in every Parker-Jordan match is when Parker finishes Jordan off in his signature Sleeper. At first, the muscle man struggles mightily, flexing and straining like a fish on a hook, but eventually he quiets down and Parker lays him down for his nap. Dazed and helpless, Jordan offers zero resistance as Parker covers him and secures the victory.
By the way, have I ever mentioned that I love wrestling trunks that come with a belt? This is another of those Subtle Little Things that really trips my trigger — seeing belt loops sewn into the trunks and a nice snug leather strap (in a contrasting color) tightly encircling the hips to hold his trunks up. I have no idea why I so enjoy that image — don’t ask, I’m weird.
So let me just say great job once again, BRO. You’ve snapped some stunning images that really highlight the beauty and eroticism of pro wrestling. PLEASE keep up the great work and don’t be a stranger. (And, please more boot photos next time!)
Have fun at your next show, I know you will!