
Ring of Honor continues to deliver hard-hitting, intense, high quality in-ring action week after week. This match, which appeared on the most recent weekly episode of ROH, featured the “Unbreakable” Michael Elgin in his bad-ass blue singlet against Cedric Alexander in a little silver and turquoise number.

I believe, if you hurry, you can still catch the most recent episode of ROH on their website.

Joe at the Ringside at Skull Island blog has been writing lately about brutes.  With his usual colorful, descriptive, near poetic tone, Joe describes brutes as: “bulls in the china shop, destructive by nature rather than by intent… They strike fear in the heart even before the match begins. They are sexy and frightening at the same time and the lust and the fear are inextricably  wound together. They are forces of nature, with special emphasis on “force.

Based on that description, it is my belief that Michael Elgin meets the definition of a brute.  His rough treatment of young 25-year-old Cedric only confirms my belief.

And in the interest of full disclosure, Cedric did score some nice moves and impressive offense, but my preference here is to just show images of Cedric suffering.

If you’ve watched any Ring of Honor, you know that this federation takes the realism, intensity, and violence of its wrestling very seriously.  The brawlers just absolutely decimate each other, with most matches including some raw punishment and very stiff bumps.

This match is no exception — these big dudes (but especially Elgin) just beat the stuffin’ out of each other.  They repeatedly haul off and Elbow Smash their opponent’s jaw, temple, or soft spot on the back of his head.  When they soccer kick the opponent in the noggin, you can really hear the sickening thud.  And their poor, breakable bodies absolutely smash onto the mat or against the hard metal surfaces at ringside, a huge explosion heard every time their flesh and bones absorb the impact.

Cedric Alexander has the sort of thick, powerful build that they favor in Ring of Honor — the kind of body that looks like it could handle some abuse.

And Cedric is the ultimate Big Guy in Small Trunks — I dig that look.  He has zero shame in his game as he lets it all hang out.  The thicker he gets, the skimpier his bulging little speedos, until he sometimes appears to be naked in the ring — his physique just engulfing the little after-thought of trunks.

But even though he is built for power, Cedric is the Baby-Face, and therefore must suffer at the hands of the more powerful (in this case, Michael Elgin.)   Elgin employs three primary weapons in his assault on Alexander:

(1). stiff, brain-jawing elbows, fists, and boots to the head;

(2). throwing him around like a ragdoll; and

(3). Horsecollar Leglock.

Cedric had escaped the dreaded Horsecollar submission earlier in the match by grabbing at the rope, which created dramatic tension and the promise we would see this hot move again.  Sure enough, Elgin later re-applied the Horsecollar on a much weakened Alexander, in this time right in the center of the ring.

And just to put the final icing on the cake — just to be a dickhead of a brute — Elgin BEGINS STOMPING AND CRUSHING CEDRIC’S HEAD UNDER HIS BOOT!!  Poor Cedric is knocked the fuck out by these jarring stomps, feeling the effects of multiple concussions, and soon passes out!

You should’ve seen the moment Alexander passes out, his face going limp and sagging on the mat, yet Elgin stomps him a couple more times! Damn, Elgin — did you really have to get that vicious and brutal with poor Cedric??  This is Ring of Honor and the fans get off on that sort of action, so I suppose you did.

If Elgin is “Unbreakable,” then Alexander must be identified as “Breakable.”  He is laid across the mat limp and beaten like a pile of laundry, just sprawled out, exposed in his proud little trunks, and helpless as the ref tries to wake him up.  Damn, those poor Baby-Faces in Ring of Honor really have it tough!

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