Back Biter

Lately, Joe at the Ringside at Skull Island blog has been writing about the West Coast Wrestling Connection  (and I see why — it is some damn good wrasslin’!) Recently Joe described why WCWC Champion Danny Duggan “is a stud and profiled the “Suplex Party” hosted by big, bad Hammerstone.

Well I’ve been YouTubing some WCWC as well, including this match between “hot shot” Danny Duggan and Jimmy Jacobs.

As the handsome, heroic WCWC Champ, Danny Duggan is the very picture of the Masculine Ideal.  He is buff, tan, beard-stubbled, and ruggedly handsome.  He fights fair and never backs down from a challenge, as every Real Man should.  His gimmick is to portray a Classic 1980’s Baby-Face with his chesty physique, positive go-getter attitude, and flamboyant gear — the sort of Perfect Role Model we grew up simultaneously cheering for and utterly destroying and torturing in our adolescent fantasies.  He even wears a fanny pack and those loose, brightly-colored tiger-stripe pants that were popular in the early ’90s — I think they were called Zubaz…

Jimmy Jacobs, meanwhile, wants nothing to do with masculinity.  He purposely and deliberately rejects his manhood, along with any obligations and requirements for holding a Man Card (such as integrity and fairness).  He proudly refers to himself as the “Zombie Princess”.  He dyes his hair, applies eye make-up, and even paints his fingernails.  This is a slap in the face to all Real Men who work so hard every day to portray a manly vibe in honor and support of Masculinity itself!   He is also bitchy and devious in the ring (for example, sometimes using a railroad spike — a phallic substitute — to carve up his victims’ faces.)   If Duggan is the Masculine Ideal, then Jacobs represents Corrupted Masculinity — feminine, devious, and immoral.

So how is it possible for this little “Princess” to overpower big, buff, manly Danny Duggan??  His cruelty convinces us that Jacobs is a Bad Bitch, trapping Duggan in the corner and hammering away without mercy.

It’s like when someone owns a big dog and a little cat (which has not been declawed).  Often the cat rules the roost by terrorizing the helpless, gullible dog.

Duggan is clearly a well-trained Baby-Face, using all those subtle cues to demonstrate his helplessness and submissiveness to the Zombie Princess.

For example, he allows his arms to be draped over the top rope, where they will remain firmly affixed as if secured with chains, so Jacobs can slap the fuck out of his exposed chest.

Here is another example of Duggan’s obedience, allowing Jacobs to stand over him and paw his face.  With his painted fingernails, Jacobs violates Duggan, palming his forehead like he’s petting a dog.

Meanwhile, Danny Duggan, with his face at Jacobs’ crotch level, sheepishly allows the Zombie Princess to emasculate him, sitting still like he was ordered to “Sit!”

The action gets kinky when Jacobs bares his sharp teeth and proceeds to BITE POOR DANNY DUGGAN’S THICK BACK UNTIL HE DRAWS BLOOD!   What the hell, Jacobs, you sick, sexy bastard!

What kind of a man bites during a wrestling match?!   That is a bitch move, further evidence that Jacobs is not a Real Man, and does not aspire to the honor, fairness, and discipline that Real Men always embody.  Next, Jacobs digs into Duggan’s back with his sharp painted nails — what a fuckin BITCH!

So if you tune in to pro wrestling to watch the swole, hyper-masculine Baby-Face getting tortured, this match may be right up your alley.

Like a feral cat, Jacobs continues to bite into the fleshy part of Duggan’s smooth back.  This cruel fucker is just relentless — what a perfect little pocket Heel!  Jacobs is very  convincing (and fun to watch) as the Savage Out-of-Control Beast.

To ensure we would fall completely Head-Over-Heels in love with him, Danny Duggan also provided a pre-match interview.  With his title belt proudly slung over his shoulder, and with a look of honest concern in his baby-blue eyes, he gazes intently into the camera and talks about the devious, sadistic behavior of Jimmy Jacobs.

Even though Our Hero is concerned about the tactics of his opponent, even though he perhaps knows he will be bitten until he bleeds, he remains willing to step in the ring and take his beating for our viewing pleasure.  How can you not love such a brave, self-sacrificing stud? (and his stunning blue eyes…)

Duggan and Jacobs do everything right in this match, perfectly implementing the old Hot Hero vs. Beastly Villain pro wrestling formula.  Duggan plays the submissive Scratching Post for much of the fight, Jacobs takes every advantage and employs vicious and sadistic tactics,  and the audience gets a boner.  In the end, the Champ finds the strength and power to fight back and win the match — further evidence that Masculinity reigns supreme after all — that, in the end, a bitch can’t keep a Good Man down.

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