Man of Steel

When I saw the title of this Warriors of Wrestling video on YouTube was “Controversial Fatal 4-way,” my sadistic side kicked in and I thought: “I hope it’s three against one!”   And when Chris Steeler (one of my favorite Indy Baby-Face wrestlers) entered the ring, I thought: “I really hope it’s three against STEELER !!

Sure enough, to my utter delight, the three big guys are from a stable of Dirty Bastard wrestlers known as “The Syndicate.”   They combine forces and work on Mr. Steeler (looking like a super hero in his blue and yellow trunks).  The cheaters make my day by unfairly torturing him 3-on-1, constantly tossing him around and knocking him down.

You may recognize the team in black trunks as “Team Torment.”  Jason Kross (the young swole stud) and his Beef-Daddy partner, Jack Gallow, were featured in an earlier article on this Blog called Flipped Script in which they took on the role of the Baby-Faces.  There will be no script-flipping tonight by the Men in Black as they trample all over their tattooed victim.

Steeler, the “Face” of Warriors of Wrestling, has been heavyweight champ for over a year.  They call him the “Man of Steel,” playing off the heroic Superman reference.  The irony is that he is a lean, vulnerable, easily broken guy, more like wet cotton than steel.

His performances of suffering demonstrate the myth of masculine invulnerability — the weakness, fragility, and helplessness that lies just beneath the rough, “steel” outer shell that men are encouraged to portray.  He calls himself the “Man of Steel,” but in every match, he is revealed to be a Raggedy Andy — just a Regular Guy like the rest of us.

His three cruel opponents soon kick his limp body outside the ring and take turns spiking his face into the ringposts, which is totally legal in a Four-Way No Disqualification Match.  (What sadistic bastard thinks of these twisted pro wrestling scenarios, and can I get his autograph?!)

Why oh why would Steeler be fool-hardy, brave, or stupid enough to agree to this unfair situation?  In addition to helplessly submitting to this Three-on-One assault, Steeler further degrades himself by wearing the dreaded Crimson Mask — his face bloodied from his repeated head-butts to the corner posts.

The commentators add excitement to the brutal scene by utterly screaming into their microphones, in awestricken tones, a series of heated comments like:  “Oh My GOD!”   “Awww JEEZisss!”   “The decimation of Chris Steeler.”  “NOOO!  COME ON!!  The Champion is OUT!”  “I know it’s no disqualification, but COME ON!  You have hot to draw the line somewhere!”  “WHAAAATT???!!!  Ohhh noooo — Chris Steeler BUSTED WIDE OPEN!”   “DID YOU JUST SEE WHAT GALLOW DID — He just licked the blood of Chris Steeler!

The thick, meaty bodies of the attackers appear heavy and indestructible in contrast to Steeler’s broken body as they stand over their victim, with Kross flexing his muscles and posing for the fans.   Steeler, meanwhile, maintains his fragile, vulnerable appearance, his nutsack on display — looking dazed and half unconscious for most of the match.  GREAT work!

And now they’re just gonna tear him apart here…

“Chris Steeler is a bloody mess!”

“Come ON!  An all out assault now! JESUS!”

(Why do I get so excited when they sound angry and outraged by the in-ring cheating?)

The scene gets even darker and more brutal when Team Torment eliminates their “friend” and then knocks out Steeler with a steel chair to the noggin.  Jason Kross then slaps on a gorgeous Cross Face maneuver (the same hold that emasculated Davey Richards in yesterday’s gallery).

Flexing every muscle in his impressive physique, Kross humps and grinds and sqeeeeezes on the pressure, desperate to rip Steeler’s head right off.  Phwoar!

Then big mean Jack Gallow applies a painful leglock, and now they’re both going to town on Steeler at the same time!  Our hero soon passes out from the combined agony and loss of blood.

Whew — incredible Double-Team punishment and nice biceps on Kross as he beasts on that Headlock, did I say that already?!

Team Torment is named the new Warriors of Wrestling World Champion.  I was going to complain that they ought to be forced to fight it out until only one man reigns supreme, but on second thought, I think it’s hot that they’re both the combined Champ.  It emphasizes their bond, like a married couple.   Also, as the Champ, they should both be permitted to work together against any single challenger from now on, both in the ring together working over a lone opponent in every match.  Why not — it would be just as fair as what happened to poor, pathetic Chris Steeler…

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