Tough Nut

One of my loyal readers turned me on to this great TNA Impact match between Davey Richards and Bobby Roode.

You can see blue tape on Davey’s left shoulder — he is playing the “Injured Arm” gimmick where the cruel opponent targets the clearly-taped weak spot and the Hero suffers greater injury.

My reader sums up the appeal of this match nicely:  “Davey is usually stone-cold tough nuts wrestler, which is why I look for matches where he becomes the bitch… Here you can see the bigger Bobby Roode villainously take advantage of Davey’s injured shoulder and Davey squirms in agony (like a man though, not like a cute boy screaming).”

A flash-back video of action earlier in the night reveals that Davey’s injury was caused by an attack from Austin Aries, who jammed a steel chair repeatedly into Davey’s shoulder (Love that!)

Roode heaps on tons of great Arn Anderson-style sadistic torture — twisting the arm in circles, snapping it over the top rope, standing on Davey’s hand to “stake out” the injured arm and stomping on it.

Wow, Bobby Roode is looking great as he lords over Davey, just taking his time, savoring his dominance.  Was Roode always this swole and appealing, or is his power over Davey increasing his sex appeal?

Much of the appeal of this torture scene is auditory — with Davey howling without shame, his cries of agony sending chills down your cock.  It’s one of those matches where you worry the neighbors will hear the man-grunts and think you’re watching gay porn (I guess, in a way, you are…)  The commentator says, in a very serious tone: “This is difficult to watch!”  Yeah — difficult to watch with pants on…

Usually a tough nut like Davey will not be seen losing fair and square.  What I mean is that, if he loses a match, it’s due to a dirty trick such as a pull of the trunks, sneak attack, or foreign object.

We are meant to understand that an Alpha Stud’s masculinity is too potent and strong to be over-powered by any man.  Only trickery and deceit can trump man-muscles.

But Roode’s defeat of Davey Richards is remarkable because it is a clean win — and a submission to boot!  Usually the Tough Nut’s “intestinal fortitude” is unbeatable, but poor Davey was made to tap the mat under Roode’s control like a jobber bitch, this fair-and-square defeat emphasizing his emasculation and loss of power.  (We are ignoring, of course, the earlier sneak attack by Austin Aries.  A Real Man is expected to shrug off bitch moves like that and still reign victorious despite an injury.)

Finally releasing his torturous STF, Roode next slaps on an Arm-Lock to further destroy poor Davey.  He has already neutered the former Tough Nut by making him tap out, and now he is just adding injury to insult.  Damn, call me a sadistic freak, but I love post-match brutality like that!

Davey was the Big Swinging Dick in ROH and other federations, but now he has joined TNA, which is Bobby Roode’s playground.  So now it is Davey’s turn to make the Big Man look dominant, to submit to the Top Banana, to degrade himself and portray the Defeated Bitch.  This loss of power for Davey, this new submissive role, is intoxicating to witness.

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