
A couple weeks ago, I posted descriptions of the fantastic hour-long battle between Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee from CWF Mid-Atlantic wrestling federation.  You may recall the bad boy gained the upper hand and pinned Our Hero with one boot planted on his chest in dominance.

Don’t think for a minute that their feud ended there.   No, Andrew Everett would of course want another shot at Lee — to enjoy plenty more bullying and humiliation at the hands of his nemesis.

The next chapter in their Love/Hate Relationship occurred at a Tag Team Tournament the CWF sponsored on March 1st.  Praise to CWF for continuing to upload hours of wrestling content to their YouTube channel for our viewing pleasure!

As often happens in a Wrestling Feud, both “frenemies” found a significant other — a partner — to complicate their relationship, to stir up feelings of jealousy as they try to settle their differences Tag Team style.  Lee partnered with Chet Sterling (the shirtless hunk in a necktie who assisted Lee during the hour-long match).  Sterling is a fellow member of “The Aftermath” — the stable of dirty wrestlers in the CWF.  Everett called in his long-time partner Arik Royal;  they were known as “Black Guy and the Little Goat” back when Everett used to wrestle in a goat mask.

The “Aftermath” — Lee and Sterling — storm into the ring before the bell, toss Everett out to the floor, and illegally attack Arik Royal two-on-one.  For the first minute, Everett obediently stays outside the ring, reaching for the tag from his suffering partner like a good little Baby-Face.

The “frenemies” — Lee and Everett — tease the audience for a while by making us wait for their inevitable clash — the continuation of their long running feud.  Come on Everett, tag in and take your beating already!

At 1:30 into the video, Everett makes the tag and unleashes a series of jumpy, bouncy, and flippy moves.  By 3:00 into the video, the villains, Lee and Sterling, have grounded the High-Flyer, punishing poor Everett by pulling his hair, choking him on the ropes, Double-Teaming him, punching his lights out, etc. etc.

The “Aftermath” may be wearing white gear (Lee in little bulging trunks that look like undies, and Sterling in gorgeous long white tights), but don’t think for a minute that they’re Good Guys.  They pull off some classic old-school tactics that the Heels traditionally used on the wimpiest of jobbers!  They Slingshot their victim’s neck up into the bottom rope.  They drag his eyes across the top rope to blind him.  They are just humiliating Everett by treating him like a Randy Mulkey or a Rusty Brooks!

And the CWF commentators do a fantastic job spicing up the action just by calmly and graphically describing Everett’s punishment.  They utter some boner-inspiring comments like:

“Take a look at Chet Sterling now, just roughing up Everett.  Chet has definitely learned to be as dirty as they get thanks to Trevor Lee.”

“Got him in a Slingshot position… OH!   Just propels him throat-first into the bottom rope.

“EWW!  Just throws himself head and shoulder first into the torso of Andrew Everett.” (Schwing!)

“Andrew Everett gonna keep fighting — very resilient is Andrew Everett.  Anybody that can take the level of punishment he took for 65 minutes has gotta have the will of a warrior!”

“You don’t want to see your partner get manhandled by two guys. That’s exactly what the Aftermath is doing right now to Andrew Everett!”

Of course Everett sells his anguish beautifully as always, whipping his long hair around on impact and scowling like he’s in the worst pain ever.  He sprawls out on the mat just begging to be squashed. And Trevor Lee is perfectly smarmy and creepy, delighting in the pain he is inflicting, smiling with sadistic pleasure as he just fucks up his helpless victim and gloats over him.

And if you’re more into bodies and bulges than impressive wrestling moves and cocky Heel cheating, you will still enjoy this match.  Everett especially goes out of his way to draw all eyes to his crotchal region, even sporting a bright lime green patch over his nutsack which draws your attention whatever position he’s in.

Nearly every time Everett gets slammed to the mat (which is about 5 dozen times), he tends to land with his legs wide apart.  The camera takes advantage, zooming right in there, basically rubbing our noses in his junk.

Everett’s suffering begins at about 2:50 into the video when Sterling shoves his climbing ass off the ropes and Lee meets him in mid-air with a huge Drop-Kick to the neck (sweet move!)   Everett then plays pathetic Face-in-Peril for at least five beautiful minutes (I wish it had been an hour like that last time Lee and Everett faced off, but I suppose there are other wrestlers wanting to use the ring besides these studs).

Eventually Everett tags in his partner Arik Royal who comes in like a house afire — I didn’t capture images of that because I’m mostly obsessed with Everett’s gorgeous suffering.

Anyhow, the Heels regain control probably thanks to some cheating, and the match ends when Chet Sterling squats on Everett’s face and joins hands with his partner to prevent their victim from escaping the Face Pin.  The stupid ref totally misses the blatant cheating.

The cheating bastards then celebrate by hugging their sweaty bodies together as Tag Team partners do.  Once again, Everett is beaten down and humiliated.  Will he ever get his revenge and give these sunovabitches their just desserts?  Or will they just keep kicking his ass every time they meet?   (The sadistic part of me hopes they just keep kicking his ass every time they meet…)

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