Art of Tag Team Wrestling, Chapter 1

You might remember the artist known as “HMN.” He created a very exciting wrestling comic that was featured on this blog back in 2016. In that story, a young barefooted fan favorite named Brock Armstrong (of the famous Armstrong wrestling family) is dominated by a green-haired Heel named Damian. In case you want to review that match, check out:

Part 1 where Damian uses his boots and his bulge to assume control of young Brock.

Part 2 in which Brock endures a gorgeous Headscissor and Torture Rack.

Part 3 where Damian smothers and then brutalizes Brock.

Part 4 — boot stomping galore!

Part 5 in which Brock is knocked out by a devastating Camel Sleeper.

Part 6 featuring a smothering Headscissor applied on the corner turnbuckles.

The reason I mention HMN today is because he is back with a new Manga comic book series called “Tag-Team Beat-Down.” Chapter 1 is now available for download from Gumroad. This first chapter is 49 pages long and it includes tons of great rasslin images, scenes of in-ring domination, and lots of sexy moves. Please support this artist’s work if you can afford it at this time so he hopefully keeps this series going!

I posted a few images from the pages of this comic, with my usual captions underneath, to hopefully whet your appetite and convince you to download this hot story.

Damian is back as the dominant green-haired Heel in this match. And now he’s got a similar-looking little brother named Kaiden — with blue hair so we can easily tell them apart.

Their opponents are a couple of young jobber schmoes with hard bodies and skin-tight singlets, a red-head and a blond. Their leotards contrast nicely with their nearly naked opponents who only wrestle in thong bikinis:

HMN provides some good banter between the wrestlers as they encourage their partners and taunt their opponents. One major highlight are the strong legs on the thong-wearing brothers, which adds a sense of power and dominance as they frequently stand with one boot on their jobber or on the bottom rope.

I hope I’m not ruining any surprises by letting you know that poor Leon and Paul really get their asses kicked in Chapter 1. Especially Leon — what a pussy! Maybe the jobbers will have better luck in the next chapter, but I tend to doubt it. Kaiden and Damian seem determined to utterly demolish these ham-and-eggers, humiliating them at every turn…

So if you’re in the mood for some good Rasslin Manga, check out “Tag-Team Beat-Down” by the amazing HMN. This artist clearly “gets” pro wrestling and what makes it hot — and Tag Team matches happen to be my favorite!

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